You know you are an Explorerholic when... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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You know you are an Explorerholic when...


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...I think about this stuff all the time, but I don't have a problem...:p:

You know you are an Explorerholic when...

1)...You are on the Forum before you get dressed

2)...You have more members names on your speed dial, than friends

3) ..You have more parts store numbers on your speed dial, than friends

4)..You use peoples handles instead of their real names

5)..You can recite part numbers, but forget your significant others birthday

6)..You know what part another member is looking for and don't have a clue what your significant other wants at all

7)..You know the exact place and time of a group meet across the country a few years back, but don't have a clue about when you met your significant other

8)..You get asked "What do you mean by, EF or BFH?" while talking to others in your daily life

9)...You can afford the much wanted part for your vehicle and, you already know what bill you are not going to pay next month

10)..You explain the amount of Emails you recieve as, "Work Related"


...I thought this would be fun to do...If you have some of your own, post them up...:biggthump

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Oh, oh, here's one...

You wonder why in traffic, the person next to you in the Explorer/Mounty/Ranger/Bronco doesn't recognize you. :D

You hit the "New Posts" button more than 10 times a day.

Guilty on most of them...I know when a significants birthday is, and when I met her. But Still have no idea what she wants:p:

and it's really bad when you talk about other people from the board by first name, to the significant other and they know exsactly who your talking about!:D

Guilty as sin :D

and would'nt change a thing either

this is the only real website in the whole wide world.
isn't it?????
i thunked so.

I guess that means alot of us have either "no life" or we only really live it in the rocks, trees, and mud. But mosty online right here.

"I'm sooooooo glad to be here."

You know when:

All your socks have holes, your shoes are falling apart, you need a haircut, and you have a toothache.

And you purchase "Upgrades", instead of going to the Dentist, clothes store, and barber.

You know when:

All your socks have holes, your shoes are falling apart, you need a haircut, and you have a toothache.

And you purchase "Upgrades", instead of going to the Dentist, clothes store, and barber.

edited: because I'm racist against my own race :confused:

I noticed you did pay your DSL bill though

You know you are an Explorerholic when...You can diagnose a bad sensor on a first gen without an expensive computer, and then fix it without buying a new one.

you cant decide if you should keep the 02 trac that your still paying on and sell the 96 V8 you built for three years, or sell the 02 and keep the 98 with the fresh 99 5oh and sell the 96 too, or sell the 98 and keep the 96 and the 02 gets the 96 V8 and the 96 gets the 02 V6, or sell the 02 and the 98 and v8 long travel the 02 before paying it off....

I could keep going!

You know you are an Explorerholic when...You can diagnose a bad sensor on a first gen without an expensive computer, and then fix it without buying a new one.
Haha, i did that one a month ago. IAC valve. :D

When you make plans for a certain upgrade, then ask the wife if anything important is on that day.

When she answers " That is my birthday and I guess this means no Olive Garden"


Post edited, no offense intended - Sorry about that :)

I did this today...

You know when:

All your socks have holes, your shoes are falling apart, you need a haircut, and you have a toothache.

And you purchase "Upgrades", instead of going to the Dentist, clothes store, and barber.

Some things are not regional... I'm guilty on all charges :D:thumbsup:

You know you are an Explorerholic don't have to make a special trip to the parts store for most parts and any engine accessory (power steering pum, ac compressor, alternator, starter, etc...) It's just a matter of walking to the garage and pulling one off the shelf from the numerous explorers you have already dismantled. If it's not there, you walk out to the far end of the driveway and pull what you need directly off the explorer waiting to donate it's parts.

You know you are an Explorerholic load your Explorer on to a trailer, tow it for 1133 mile to off-road it all weekend, and then load it back up to make the return 1133 mile trip home.

You know you are an Explorerholic when...

a) You have more parts in the back of your X than what actually needs replacing

b) Your X becomes the much need storage space it it's down time

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:p: Ya can't burn flags, or you'd have no curtains... and you don't have same-sex marriages, ya just marry your cousins (nothing wrong with that, it's just that when your brother is your cousin, uncle and nephew at the same time, it can get a little confusing).

Ha! :D Viva pa' siempre mi Mexifornia!

Ok, that made me seriously LOL... :D
