Zaino testamonial | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Zaino testamonial

That stuff is shiney.
The paint on this door is the factory origonal five year old stuff.


  • door.jpg
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all i gotta say is wow, i want Zaino...very nice

Wow, look at the glare off of that!

^^^ was that some some bald crack ?
;) :D

Wonder what that would do to my beat up rig.

wonder if my finderglass fenders gel coat will shine with that stuff. oh and nice bald spot i'll go there..btw you need to let me knwo if you can do tellico in nov monmix

Thats not a door, is a mirror right?

Is that a glare or are you just happy to see me? :D

damnnnn. now thats a shine. get a picture of thw whole truck, i bet it looks amazing.

the zaino family lives right around me. My friends are friends with the fathers son, they went to middle school with him. just thought i would throw that out there.

I'm not sure it's right to be taking a picture of your X looking like that there with all of the bashed up cars behind you.

MONMIX said:
That stuff is shiney.
Gotta work on the vocabulary. "Shiny" isn't descriptive enough. Perhaps you should say glossy, optically appealing, reflective, visually enhanced, (or have a contest to come up with the correct description). :thumbsup:

Its definately his truck.. You can see the section of the door where the upper skin & lower skin meet. Not to mention that location is exactly where he washes his truck.. I can see all the wrecks.. Too bad they won't let me use those customers' cars as RTI ramps.


Although my ST hasn't been washed and Zaino-ed in a while (no time), I can attest that it makes black look that good.

Just remember - a shine like that is 50% preparation, 45% pirspiration (to do it right takes a lot of work and time), and 5% Zaino. Zaino is the icing on your hard work; however, when prepared properly, Zaino is the perfect sealant and shine lock.

BTW, the door had never been repainted nor buffed,,,,

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I have seen the results of this stuff for nearly a year now... and I am curious if its worth the money to get it for white paint. I have been using ScratchX with Mother's Clay Bar and then a couple layers of Meguiar's Gold Class on top... would I see much improvement over this method?
