Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV | Page 15 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV



I had just bought the truck for 4k with just over 100k miles on it, was just going to be a daily driver but decided to make it a capable off road vehicle. Soon you will see the transformation of this truck into the ZAPV or Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle.

This is how I got the truck.


I decided to put bed liner on all of the plastic parts, and it looked good. At this point I thought I was done with the body (foolish me) I was going to settle for a good looking with minor capabilities truck.






I soon grew tiered of all the plastic wrapped around the truck, and the fact that the bed liner wasn’t sticking to it, so I pulled all of the plastic off and started over. I filled all of the holes left by the plastic with bondo or expanding insulation foam.




Bed lining was applied next. The whole truck was covered (including the rear wheel well). This didn't take as long as I thought it would.






(this is where I put bondo to fill in the divit.


And at last the Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV. It is the essential vehicle to use in case of a zombie outbreak, it can drive long distances, prevent rust, clime mountains, find high ground, and cover your sent from the brain eating *******s. This should not be your only plan in an zombie infestation, but you should always keep several options on the table. A vehicle would be the first step of a evacuation from an infected area. You would only want to use it to get out of a major city and make it to a relatively rural zone where you can take a high vantage point. Remember always be prepared.






EDIT: I don't have time to make rules and such for membership so if any one want to be in Team ZAPV just pick a number (except 1-3)

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I love it man, I've been toying with the idea of bed lining the whole thing for a while now. What did you use to cover it all? And mind me asking what it ran you?

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I used the walmart brand, cant remember the name. It cost around $100 for 2 gal.
If I were to do it again I wouldn't use the scuff pad that came with the kit, I would use a wire brush instead, I have had to redo some of mine (around the windows mostly), but over all I'm happy with it.

2-STRIPE you used the same thing I did didnt you plastikote did you use sand paper or just the scuff pad that came with it???

I Think mine was dopalcolor, and yes I mostly used the scuff pad that came with.

i saw a nissan frontier out her in vegas with zapv on it

was it yellow, with black finders and a snorkel?

If so then that was my brother from Colorado.

was it this one


no it wasnt that one it was all black crewcab driving down craig right outside nellis.but that is a sick yellow frontier

no it wasnt that one it was all black crewcab driving down craig right outside nellis.but that is a sick yellow frontier

ok guys, we have obviously started a phenomenon. we need to find this guy, get him a number, or not, and make sure he knows that he is not alone. plus get a pic of him so others know to band with him during the event. I'm alone so far here in the williston basin. with nobody special and a few others closely behind. does anybody else have the official plates yet?

mine will be in soon (thank you tax return)

I'm also working on the web page ( but that can get difficult with 3 children), and a new center console. I should have new tires soon also

Theres a nice trail through the smokey mountians called "Cades cove" Its real senic and very nice

I will see what I can do, I have 3 young kids so trails might need to be real close, and unfortunately there aren't many trails in MD that I know of, But I will be moving to Colorado this summer so there is a much better chance of me making a trail run after July.

I hope you all are on ZS (zombie Squad) as well. They have their own fleet numbers you can apply for and they have a ton o them already dished out.

Update on the X....well my tranny is F**CKED!!!:( but I am trying to get one before the 20th of February and once I get a new one the transformation will begin!!!

Doing the standard 2" TT/Shackle lift on friday...mainly cuz I'm bored and the X dosen't move....

In March the 3" body lift will go on and finally my choice of bumper (the fist 2 are my main choices and the last one is my backup plan):


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I'm trying to decide on what I should do,
I have the funds to put new gears and 33" tires but no BL,
I could put my axillary lights and a Cb with 31" tires and no BL.

what do you guys thing?

Oh love the bumper btw any of the would look sweet.

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summit has their brand of BL for sale and it's alot cheaper than the PA. i called and talked to summit and they said the only difference is the box it comes in
