Iz's Bingo Bus/Tow Rig | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Iz's Bingo Bus/Tow Rig

I decided it was time to pass on the old E-350 and replace it with another.

So I picked this guy up on Saturday.

- 2001 E-350 7.3 PowerStroke (does not leak!!)
- Auxiliary air-conditioning/heat under the chassis
- 13 seater (including the driver) but I'll probably change up this combo.
- Air-powered side barn doors (by far the coolest part of the vehicle)
- Wide power side mirrors
- Padded interior walls (in case I go nuts.. oh wait)
- Luggage rack (will probably be removed)

Some exteriors:


Some interiors:



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I love it.. I've been looking at vehicles like that for a while, but never got one..

My neighbors picked up a Mesa Az city bus (30 ft or so) that they converted into a party bus.

btw.. I love the barn doors too.


I like it:D You can make that into a nice RV:D Maybe relocate the luggage rack and use it for tons of spare parts, tools etc...

Dude that thing has tons of potential! Can you drink behind the yellow line in one of those??

Yes you can do whatever you want behind the driver's seat (there is no yellow line :) ). But the plan is to make it a little live-able so almost an RV -- maybe a mini fridge of some sort and a bunk bed in the back (2 beds tall and a pull-out drawer on the bottom).

But in addition to being a tow rig, this also has to haul my stuff to the west coast (when the time comes).

I can't find the spare tire or where the spare tire would go so at this point I'm assuming the vehicle doesnt have a spare tire. So I'm going to make a tire carrier (and ladder to the roof) when I make a new rear bumper (which is bending up a little right now) with an integrated hitch.

But I wont be touching this thing too much until the Explorer is finished.

I can't find the spare tire or where the spare tire would go so at this point I'm assuming the vehicle doesnt have a spare tire. So I'm going to make a tire carrier (and ladder to the roof) when I make a new rear bumper (which is bending up a little right now) with an integrated hitch.

Looks like the spare rim on the driver's rear....

Looks like the spare rim on the driver's rear....
Oh no thats what the wheels really look like -- the other three just have hub caps. Which reminds me, anyone know where these hub caps are from? They look a little better than the Econoline hub caps so I've been looking all over the net trying to find a replacement for that missing driver's rear. Its almost a dually's cap but not as deep (obviously).

How about a deck on top?

Ther's no passenger seat?:confused:

Nope -- the Hotel removed it because they didn't want any passenger to sit at the front (they said for liability reasons). But I put one in and also replace the driver's seat eventually because the fabric on that has is a bit worn out.

PA system would ROCK!!!!

since we have movie theme vehicles on this site I nomitate this van for Mutt Cutts


You know I Resemble that!!:mad::p:

No PA system, but it has some "PTO" system (I guess a hydraulic pump mounted on the engine). I havent investigated exactly what this PTO drives but I'm guessing that the auxiliary A/C's pump is mounted under the chassis and is powered via hydraulics from the engine.

If you've got a PTO equiped trans, you could hook up a hydraulic pump to power several nice off-road accessories.

Looks nice, should make a nice RV. You know, you could put a keg where the passenger seat used to be...oh, wait...nevermind. The local police might not like that:p:

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If you've got a PTO equiped trans, you could hook up a hydraulic pump to power several nice off-road accessories.
Any more info on this PTO? How does it work?

All I know about the PTO right now is there is this controller of some sort with an LCD readout of the engine's RPM thats labeled "PTO" (see attached image). There are up and down arrows on it like you can control the engine's idle speed but I tried pressing all the buttons and a combination of all the buttons but nothing happens :)


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