Anyone into scenario? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone into scenario?


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February 24, 2010
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I've been paintballing for years, pretty much most weekends, as a good way to wind down after a long weeks work. Being ex army, I quickly found a liking for scenario/milsim paintball.

My latest toys fitted with e grips and my cyclone feeds will be here Saturday, allowing a respectable 20balls per second at full auto.


I'm just wondering if there are any fellow paintballers on here? And if so, is anyone attending north v south?

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I sometimes do a spot of airsoft


Wow, that's some hardware right there! Not surewe'd get away with firing live rounds at each other in the woods! Although, I could think of a few people I'd like to play that game against! One being the guy that keeps putting fuel up!

I sometimes do a spot of airsoft

I like the idea of air soft, but chose paintball as I hate cheats! It's harder to cheat when you have a large splat of paint on you and a nice bruise for those that try to cheat by wiping!

If you go with a lot of friends, cheating wouldn't be an issue, but as I tend to paintball with a lot of strangers, I couldn't trust them not to cheat if it was air soft.

Sorry to butt in here guys.....

But what's the difference between Paintball and Airsoft?
I thought they were the same thing, Uk and American terms for firing paintballs... :scratch:

Paintball fires paintballs and leaves a lovely bruise, air soft fires bb's an doesn't tend to leave any marks, but stings like a *****!

There is cheating in airsoft, but it varies from site to site and I've never seen it spoil a game.

Half the fun for me is building and tinkering with the guns. The M635 pictured above is my favourite out of the 5 or so AR-15 variants I have

Have always wanted to fit a couple of paintball guns under the grill, James Bond style, and have the balls filled with brake fluid. These would be reserved for the idiots who pull out with no warning, double or triple park during the school run, drive the wrong way down one way streets and then say well I've pulled over you can get past........... You get the idea

I dont know naything about airsoft or paintballing but if the cheaters are pissing you off why not have a back up clip loaded will ball bearings that will stop the buggers dead!! :D:D

I dont know anything about airsoft or paintballing but if the cheaters are pissing you off why not have a back up clip loaded will ball bearings that will stop the buggers dead!! :D:D
