Is enough enough or should I go for MORE??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is enough enough or should I go for MORE???

Enough Enough??

  • Enough IS enough leave it!

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • Enough is NEVER enough go for more!

    Votes: 50 87.7%

  • Total voters


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I just had my new Bilstein remote resovoir shocks installed. They have heim joints on the ends to allow movement in their mounts.

When we ramped the Explorer after the new shocks were installed we were VERY surprised at how much more droop we were able to get. As you can see in the photos the droop is so much that the coil spring falls way to far from the shaft which is supposed to keep it in position.

So... I can either strap the front end and end up with the same travel that I had before... or I can get Bilstein coil overs and get probably 6" or more of additional droop.

What do you guys think? Is enough enough or should I go for the gusto??





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Even though the most of us are still trying to catch up to you.

is that shock tweaking in the pic ???

In the pics it looks like the shock piston is not parallel with the shock body. Optical illusion or what???
I guess on the poll, I'd have to say no more lift. Or... will the coil overs just allow more droop/travel and not add inches to the overall lift? If yer talkin' more inches of lift, I'd have to wonder what 4 wheelin benefits would result? It seems that eventually, the high center of gravity factor would really start to work against trail capabilities.
But, it would be a really cool setup.

Good eye Wabbit... Must be all the carrots :D

Anyway the shock is tweaking. If I decide to keep the travel they will work on the alignment of the shock.

The truck doesn't need to be lifted at all to gain the extra droop. Since the coil overs offer adjustable ride height there is a possibility I would be able to lower the truck and still keep the travel.

Well, all things considered...

You must get the coil overs!!
To get six more inches of droop and retain your ride height, you betcha...
Besides, you know you REALLY want to and you're just needin' us to convince you (or Char) that it's a necessity...
I'm voting GO FOR IT!!!

Wow. Gotta love the pic with the guys standing around thinkin "hmm. . what do we do now"

I say go for the coil-overs

rick i say go for some bilstien 9100's(coilover) leave the front alone and start on the rear!!!!!!! btw Rick i hate u even more now!!!!!!!! : )

Originally posted by Clint
leave the front alone and start on the rear!!!!!!! btw Rick i hate u even more now!!!!!!!! : )

I agree.... You really didn't need that floor anyways. I would also check the brake lines. The look short now.


put on 44s then you would be the ultimate explorer.....!!!!!! :) j/k actually, i am with the other guys, dont lift it anymore but do a coil link in back, like perry

Lifting it more isn't in the plans. Just more droop.

GO FOR IT MAN! You can always use more droop! Less chance of it rolling.... Maybe it might flop easier if the spring rate is not correct but that can be fixed.

Rick, I think Char would rather have some furniture for the house. Beside,s your making the rest of us look bad... LOL

My 2 cents...

If the coil is not under some compression, then it is applying no weight to that corner. You are relying on the unsprung weight to pull the tire down and have 0 spring tension and therefore that corner is no longer acting like a true suspension. That is not to say there is still not benefit to unsprung droop. If the tire is in contact with the ground, it may still apply limited traction however, will not provide any stability. My personal opinion says unsprung droop is more likely to cause a rollover.

So my response is: A. install coilovers or B: limit articulation to max coil extension.

On a lighter note, WOW that's awesome flex. You can't beat a 4 link. I'm thinking of wristing one of my radius arms. James Duff says it will increase travel from about 12" to 17-18" with their coils. Then I have to get longer shocks and towers! It's only money...

That's a nice looking brake line you got there. It looks like your ready to strum it like a guitar!

If that suspension is drooped out I get more droop than that :D

No, those are just phots of coil overs-

If you need photos of suspension droop, I have those 2..

desert racing afficiando

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That's some crazy travel Rick!!! Go for the coilovers and then do a three link in the rear. :cool:
