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Paragon, finally?

I've spoken to many guides that work at Paragon. They all said that 4WD or AWD is required especially on blue level or higher trails. If in doubt, contact Kyle/Steph, the owners/operators of Paragon Offroad Park at (570) 384-0550 or via e-mail at

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yeah, i wouldn't take 2wd on any of the real trails. two years ago at paragon my 4 low wouldnt engage and it was a P I T A. i had to burn up my clutch just to get to the end of a couple trails. after the first one when my clutch was smoking for 20 minutes, i knew i destroyed it so i didnt care.

the trail '2wd' is named that cause its easy..... you couldnt get a 2wd vehicle there tho as its too deep in the park.... and trust me.... 2wd truck are not allowed, as a matter of fact, up untill the land rovers gave hell, you had to have 2wd low manditory in order to get into the park, now if you get stuck in the park and a guide or some official finds out, you may get fined for breaking the rules. Read this if you look under "Basic SUV vehicle requirements:" I clearly says "Four Wheel Drive vehicle equipped with low range" Now as I said, they will let you in without low now but 4wd is a must..... Trust me, I know. Becides the fact, it is up to the guide that you have to check vehicles, if they dont its thats on them but any real guide will ask to see what everyone is capable of, both with equiptment and experience.

I will say this's weird to see my truck being talked about on this website without me being around. I'm glad to see somebody using it for it's intended purpose. I wish I had more time, I would have kept it.

Good luck with it Mike, anytime you want to let me see it, just let me know.

anytime you want to see it, let me know. im hopefully (depending on cash) dropping in a bds 6" ranger kit and doing a SOA, all new shocks. and someone please tell me if another date would work, like i said, my boss is an (explict)

the 30th/31st of July, whos in?

ok if your in put down your mods, and your truck, soo we can think of what trails to run

im in! 91 xplorer beast 5" 33's and its not affaid of damage!yeehaww

I took my explorer there for the first time the Saturday of the Dec 2004 Monthly ride. There were only 4 groups from stock to tube buggies. I was in the second group, along with a stock H2, stock S10, stock late model Range Rover, modified BII, and a couple of Wranglers, including two Rubis, etc. At first I thought we wouldn't do anything that hard at all - I was expecting mostly dirt roads all day. Man, was I wrong - and very pleasantly surprised. I really don't think we even did anything more than mostly greens and a few blues like Wumpum Hill and the rockswamp, but I was impressed with what they consider "green" and "blue" trails. They were definitely more difficult than I expected.

I don't buy that having a rear locker essentially equals 4wd and here is why. At one point, we were going up a slight, loose rock / gravel hill and I had forgotten to hit the "brown wire mod" switch to put me back into 4wd - even with my SSRs and No-Slip, all I did was sit, spin and fishtail. Flipped the switch to 4wd, and crawled right up. Now, I know I have a rear locker, but the stock Wranglers - not Rubis - made it with open diffs and street tires. Again, I couldn't make it with 285/75R16 SSRs and a No-Slip and they made it fine with 4wd, open diffs and street tires. IMHO, a rear locker does NOT equal 4wd.

I know it probably sucks to hear this, and again, I'm not sure about the rules, but I wouldn't bother going to Paragon with only 2WD. It may be against the rules - someone should really find that out - but it would definitely be incosiderate to the rest of your group if you keep getting stuck on every other trail and people have to keep waiting for you to be strapped or winched out. If this is your first time, ride shotgun to get an idea for the trails...then you'll be able to make a better decision for next time.

Have fun - wish I could join you.

the old 2wd vs 4wd. LOL

although i ma only 2WD but I have seen along with an old checy blazer ages ago that had no front drive shaft and I was dong everything the 4wd guys were doing that day.

so it all depends as there are many on here that i am sure would surprise you..

I also believe a 2W is totally different than a 4WD without the front working as in your case.
