SoCal Meet & Greet | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SoCal Meet & Greet


Staff member
Elite Explorer
January 28, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Huntington Beach, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Eddie
Since we don't do a lot of wheelin' in the Summer around here, how about planning a couple meet & greets where all are invited? A lot of us off-roaders know each other, (from Glendale - San Diego) but it would be cool to meet everyone else in the area.

We could meet at a restaurant or maybe someone's house and BBQ. I know there was one that Jefe and his Bro threw on their family's yacht, but we should try and get a once a month thing going if we can. We can rotate to different people's houses so the driving the longer distances get's split up.

We can use this thread for all of the discussion and planning.

Is there a day of the week that works better than other days for anyone?
Would you want to make it a weekday or weekend day thing?


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i was thinking about this know where would be cool...angelo's in anaheim on state, beer, and i believe they still have the girls skate up to your car...alot of car clubs meet there because you can park and everyone checks out your vehicles...just an option

Fudds! Ontario?

I think once a month is to much though, we're to far spead out and gas is $$ maybe every other month or something. We need to still get a big Bear run going again. I still need to finish my cage, and I have to get a skid plate made for under the t-case. If i could find a desent Cheap DD, it would speed things up, but it ain't easy with under $1000 bucks:(

FUDDS!!!! :D

See if we can drag all the original guys out: me, Dave, Tim, Jeff, let's see, out of those, there would be, uh, one Explorer I think :p:

once a month i think is cool, it gives the people who miss one a chance to make the next one especially during the summer, maybe put one person in charge for each location to answer all the questions on how to get there, and verifying another group doesn't have the place on that day etc...i think big bear is perfect for a summer meet and greet...i can go fishing, lmao...

FUDDS!!!! :D

See if we can drag all the original guys out: me, Dave, Tim, Jeff, let's see, out of those, there would be, uh, one Explorer I think :p:

Ouch.. I'm the only one almost..

Tim still has his I think...Sitting in the driveway, needing a trans and t-case.:rolleyes:

btw, it would be a great time for people to pay for their elite memership fee's and maybe get a t shirt??? i know i would...

Fudds! Ontario?

I think once a month is to much though, we're to far spead out and gas is $$ maybe every other month or something. We need to still get a big Bear run going again. I still need to finish my cage, and I have to get a skid plate made for under the t-case. If i could find a desent Cheap DD, it would speed things up, but it ain't easy with under $1000 bucks:(

There is a public charity auto auction here in fontana once a month. They have alot of nice cars and its not that hard to pick one up for a great price. I know alot of people who have bought cars from there and they get some killer deals.

fudds this saturday???lunch and meet and greet???

i'm in...i'm a jump on the horse and lets ride, we can talk on the way type of guy, lmao...

I'll second (or 3rd,4th) the Fudds suggestion. ;)

(BTW, the Fudds in Burbank is 100% better than the one we were going to in Pasadena that closed)

stic-o suggested ontario and that works....i'm glad someone brought this back to life....where's froader??? he hasn't said nothing yet....

I only said Ontario, because it's a little more centralized. Some of us live up near LA, and some live in OC, or SD.

There also locations in Buena Park and two in Lake Forest. Which may work for the SD people better. I don't mind driving that far if I know Alot of people are going to show up from all over So Cal.


me??? i'm for any of the said locations...lake forest would be *****en for me...not that i've been to that one but i can wheel across the hills and do the canyon route...i think it would be easier for the sd guys and the oc far carlover and i where the only ones who commited to a location , ontario, but i'll do lake forest...

Weekends work best for me but nothing is close to where I live. I'd suggest having a M&G out here, just not in the summer:rolleyes:

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