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Well this Sucks!

The old one I have is the ford factory one. I think the one I put in before is a dorman though:(

I know people who got money for labor. Contact dorman or the place you got it from. They have a defective product. Buy the Motorcraft synchro from rockauto.

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well there was nothing wrong with the old unit. I just replaced it because it came with the shaft, which was squeaking like crazy

No luck!:mad:

Replaced the sensor erased the code, and no change!:(

No Oil Presure,
You can here there is no oil when starting the engine.
Error code came right back.

I preety sure it's the oil pump at this point although I'm not sure how common it is for 4.0 pump faliure...any other ideas?

You know I don't have a clue, but have you checked every possible area for anything that might be missing? Just like, and you know these things, I'm just .02 here, those metal or rubber plugs in the transmission - if your gen engine has them; all seals and gaskets in place; oil filter and cap on and in perfect shape? (just tryna help out bro)

Engine is full of oil at dipstic...it's just not going anywhere:rolleyes: So that tells me oil pump or there is the oil pump shaft which I heard can snap. I guess I'll have to pull the pan:rolleyes: I wonder if there is a deep pan for the 4.0 ohv's:scratch:

...i'm sure you could find a deep pan but will it fit...:scratch:...i lost an oil pump shaft due to the smallest piece of metal fragment but that was on a hp 396 motor...
..have you tried a different oil pressure guage to test pressure and not the guage???

...i'm sure you could find a deep pan but will it fit...:scratch:...i lost an oil pump shaft due to the smallest piece of metal fragment but that was on a hp 396 motor...
..have you tried a different oil pressure guage to test pressure and not the guage???

I would but the guage bumps when I turn the key, and you can hear there is no oil getting to the top of the motor:(

I went over to Kragen and Pep Boys, Pump is $105-$115 and they can not get the shaft, but Napa can for about $45 or so.:rolleyes: and you better belive if I have the pan off, I'm replacing the pump, bad or not with 140k+ on it.

at least there is no cross member in the way though!:thumbsup: Thank you SAS:D

...no cross member, heck, that's way to easy..:p:

...but you are correct, it still sucks...and a shaft is 45 bucks...:eek:

I guess this gives a whole new twist to the term "getting shafted"....


Took everything apart today and found the problem. The F$#*ing CPS gear pin snapped!:fire: This means the crankshaft was just turning the gear, not the oil pump shaft (no oil) or the sensor (PO340 code). Oil pump works fine, oil pump shaft not broken.

On a good note the bottom of the motor looks very healthy;):thumbsup:

the cam sensor synch drive unit does drive the oil pump.
if the the pin in the synch drive unit had sheared, this is exactly what would happen.
Now-to add to the confusion--
doesn't the sohc engine have 2 cam position sensors? Or is it the OHV ?

Sometimes I amaze myself--
Id stick a new pin in there and give it a shot--

Here you can see the china pos in the left and the original ford one. The think that blows me away is tthat the other then no oil in the engine and check engine light, she ran fine :eek:


...glad to hear it was minor and not major...:thumbsup:

So I just called FORD and ordered a new CPS. Total cost with tax, about $200 bucks!:eek: But I bet you it will not break like that cheap china pos!:p:

I'll take the oil pump and shaft back, sense they seem to be fine. ;)

...the chinese pos might have a warranty...i would take it back and get a refund under the disatisfied customer clause...;)

...the chinese pos might have a warranty...i would take it back and get a refund under the disatisfied customer clause...;)

Yeah I got it from Napa, I have to look for the recipt, id probally in my bag of stuff to burn at t-haven;)

EDIT:new part in hand now;):thumbsup:

So I just called FORD and ordered a new CPS. Total cost with tax, about $200 bucks!:eek: But I bet you it will not break like that cheap china pos!:p:

I'll take the oil pump and shaft back, sense they seem to be fine. ;)

I doubt very, very much these OHV engines would have any Oil pump issues.

I told you the dorman part is crap, sorry you had to go thru this. I know someone that almost lost their engine over your problem. You should contact them for some money. Why didn't you get the part from rockauto? It is like 80 something bucks....???(well others take note anyway)...at least you got it ASAP. The top CPS sensor can be any brand. It is a very simple device.

Hope everyone learns from this post never to buy a dorman part. It should be a sticky on the stock 95-01 forum. They did that on the taurus forum.

Truck is back running again:thumbsup: It is wayyyyyy easier to just drop that CPS in with the oil pump off, then line up the shaft and pump.

The truck crazy smooth now! You could set a glass of water on the engine, and it would be fine. I think I was maybe a tooth off last time I replaced the CPS. Not that it ran bad...just not as smooth as this;)

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i had the gear pin shear off on my f350 crewcab's 400M. it kept backfiring really really loud. i kept adjusting the timing to get it to run better until i noticed i could turn the rotor by hand. i pulled the distributor out then punched out the roll pin then cut and flattened a 3 1/4" nail to fit tight enough to keep it running. i drove 45 miles home and then fixed it properly.
it makes me glad i have used Slick 50 in all my engines.
