who has the most ttb/independent flex?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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who has the most ttb/independent flex??


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
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northern california (Eureka)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 explorer xlt 4x4
alright i know we have a "show your flex thread" but do we have a "who has the most ttb/independant flex" thread?? no.... but now we do. this is what i want:

1. a picture of it

2. what mods you have

3. what was your rti score.(if you have ramped a rti ramp)

4. how many inches of travel you have and what are you going to do to gain more in the future.

lets see who has the most INDEPENDENT flex.

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I don't know if it's the most here, but it gets me all the same places solid axle vehicles go. :)

Skyjacker 6" Jeep coils (#JC60F) (5" lift on a BII, probably be more like 4" on a heavier Ex)
12" travel Bilstein shocks
Extended radius arms
Some clearance work done on the beam to clear the shaft at full flex

Last time I had it on a ramp it did about 980 (23° ramp, wheelbase stretched to 98")
(of course you know ramp scores are kindof meaningless when comparing different vehicles with different widths and wheelbases though, right?)

wow!! thats al lot of flex for ttb. c'mon every one!!! show us some of that ttb pride!!!

1993fordexploere, did you think you had a chance with your stocker? :p:

Where is the travel measured from? Know what I mean? Ball joints? Hub?

1993fordexploere, did you think you had a chance with your stocker? :p:

Where is the travel measured from? Know what I mean? Ball joints? Hub?

lol no not really. but i do have 11 inoches of travel now!! lol im workin on it!

I can stuff the tire into the air box/top of the fender, but the droop is lacking.

If I loosen the Ra bushing (or have a worn one) I can get the suspension to droop far enough to pull the spring out..


Duff 3.5" coils + 1/2" steel spacer
f-250 upper shock mounts
Rancho 12" travel shocks
drop pitman arm (superlift)
Rubber bushings (no poly) and no sway bars (duh :))


my old explorer when i had it,had 30x9.50x15 mickey thomson baja radial mtx


  • stock ex flex.jpg
    stock ex flex.jpg
    31.4 KB · Views: 4,038

LOL I cant compete with Paul........

few can! 22" of travel with a ttb and NO BUMP STEER = amazing

most TTB people pushing 18-20" will have massive camber change at full droop

drool on Pauls TTB

Nice. Just curious what was stock travel ?


actually come to looking and testing.... i have 11 inches of travel with sway bars.... not bad but could be wayyyyyy better. my damn shocks are what limit me

besides my problems, looking good guys lets keep em commin

LOL I cant compete with Paul........

few can! 22" of travel with a ttb and NO BUMP STEER = amazing

most TTB people pushing 18-20" will have massive camber change at full droop

drool on Pauls TTB

I think that's got me beat as well (the extra width definitely helps).
Any issues with that bend in the driverside tierod?

Where is the travel measured from? Know what I mean? Ball joints? Hub?
Yes, at the hub itself, or from the top of the tire tread to the fender.

hey 4x4junkie. does you front pot hit anything??? it looks like it would! lol im sure it doesnt cause if it did you would prolly change something

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Why did my post get deleted? it's who has the most ttb and INDEPENDENT flex right?
