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New Explorer Concept revealed

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Why do they always have to ruin something good?

It looks like a fricken scion


I'd choose my 2nd gen any day over that, even if it is more fuel efficient. I think ford motor company has ruined the meaning of SUV.

That car is gross. And they don't even mention a v8 option, even though they say the 4banger can drop 275 horses... and a lightweight body means its either going to be much more expensive to keep it safe because they need a thinner and stronger body material or the price will stay about the same but it wont be able to save anyone in a collision.

Ha, that's an oxy moron if I've never seen one.

You know what's a real oxy moron? Calling this an "Explorer"

This thing won't be doing any more exploring that a civic would:(

Just what ford needs, ANOTHER crossover that won't survive for more than a year or two. How many will that be now?

That car is gross. And they don't even mention a v8 option, even though they say the 4banger can drop 275 horses...

It doesn't matter how much HP it makes if isn't makes good torque numbers too. And with a 3000lbs tow rating it can't be that strong.

The Subaru revolution has infected ford-who's next. btw, has anyone seen that new Honda Ridgline with 4 wheel independent suspension? Why would you want that on a pickup?

That's been around for quite some time now, at least a couple years. But now Honda's considering the sub-compact market with a 'green truck' that will compete in the market where ford has been letting the ranger die in :(. It seems more like ford is forcing these vehicles to sell, rather than giving the public what it seems to want, proven by how many big trucks and suvs with body-on-frame construction are still selling. When's the last time you heard someone complain that their Super Duty rode too much like a truck?

It looks like 100% street...

Ok, who wants to get the petition started to ford saying this thing can't have the name explorer?

I know I would rather see the explorer die than have this carry it's name.

i would deffinatly sign that petition... let the name die with some respect.

^^Welcome to the forum

I have to say, I never did like 3rd gens, but I am starting to like them. I would actually be ok with owning one now.
This just crosses the line, though. If they ever make it, any members with one on the forum should have the user title "Wannabe Explorer":D

Didn't ford bring out a couple vehicles to truckhaven once to get an idea of how to orient the explorer more towards off road driving? Wtf happened since then?

Didn't ford bring out a couple vehicles to truckhaven once to get an idea of how to orient the explorer more towards off road driving? Wtf happened since then?

They're called bean counters, and they figured out it's cheaper to build a car with a big body on it, and call it an "suv" than to build a real rig capable of doing more than going down a gravel road. Because unfortunately most of the explorers/mountaineers we love so much won't ever see a gravel road, let alone real rocks or mud.:(

So the Ex is going, the Excursion is gone, doesn't this make room for the Bronco? just a dream?

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At this rate, the next Bronco will end up being a renamed 2 door hatchback focus.
