Xcal1...same tunes as 2 & 3? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Xcal1...same tunes as 2 & 3?


Explorer Addict
March 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Bremerton, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XL
I have the opportunity to get an Xcal1 for a REALLY cheap...it is unlocked.

Does the fact that I have a Xcal1 vs. 2 or 3 mean that I don't have access to all the tuning that I would be requiring?

Will I still be able to buy a tune (or 3) from James (Henson Performance) using my Xcal1?


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I have the opportunity to get an Xcal1 for a REALLY cheap...it is unlocked.

Does the fact that I have a Xcal1 vs. 2 or 3 mean that I don't have access to all the tuning that I would be requiring?

Will I still be able to buy a tune (or 3) from James (Henson Performance) using my Xcal1?


I think your going to have to ask James about that one, and see if he still will write a tune for an x-cal 1. So pm him, or you could post in his Q&A thread.

What model year are you going to use this on? The tuning which goes into all the x1, ExCal2 and X3's is the same. Please note you can only use this on OBD2 vehicles (96-newer). Assuming you are inquiring possibly about the one in your sig OBD1 won't work. Unfortunately all OBD1 vehicles have to be chipped. If you need or have direct questions feel free to email or post in my q&a thread.

This is for my `92.

With a COMPLETE `97 drivetrain....Motor, Trans, ECM.....blah,blah,blah..

I picked up this SCT Xcal1 for $35 from a member here, in my area. He bought it from you (HensonPerformance) for his old `98 Mountaineer w/ a V-6.


hey james, spdracer, hope you enjoy the tuner! james should be able to write you the tunes. i forgot to say, you mentioned you were doing a full electrical swap, let me know if you want some hired help! i was going to tell you i run my own business on craigslist doing automotive electrical installation and repair (thats why i was in renton and dressed up). it would be great to get a foot back in the community! and i love working on projects like this so let me know! and by cheap help i mean cheap like the tuner i sold you for 35 bucks haha i paid like 200 or something for that a couple years ago.

try eBay. 50 bucks is a rip off for that flimsy cable... I had that cable too but lost it at some point. I'll look again and see if I can find it for you

I would not recommend the Ebay cable. SCT is known for changing 1 pin and it being different. I wouldn't risk messing up the unit. If you have a full 97 swap then this will work.-j

James, can I get that cable from you?



I am going to be buying this cable...I just need to know if I have to buy it from SCT, or if I can buy it from you.

I would rather buy it from a board member.



Sorry for the massive delay, yes you can buy it from me. I have been moving and setting up our new dyno. Hence, my absence from the forums. -j
