Web Hosting/CSS Gallery | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Web Hosting/CSS Gallery


Explorer Addict
May 22, 2010
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94 Limited
OK I'm am about to start my first semester as a Photography major and have decided I want to make my own website. Now designing and coding is easy I took several courses and Co-designed pfhs.net our high school site.
Now for that project we just used the schools servers. But I need a place to host mine preferably with Unlimited storage space as it will have several galleries with my Photo's.
So if anybody has a good one let me know.

Also if anyone knows of a good HTML/CSS gallery code post a link I've found a few but not exatly what I'm looking for.


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I've used 1and1.com as a hoster...decent.

I like the Squarespace.com model. Supposed to be very customizable. Not sure their pricing on storage.

dotster is who I use for my domain hosting and when I still had a site up I had it there. I don't have a site up anymore but I still use them for my domain registration.


I'm glad I found this.
I own a webhosting business (link below[signature])
If you want to go with me just sign up in the forum, introduce yourself, and link this topic and I'll have one of my guys set you up an account with whatever you want.

We just moved servers, so some information, (A LOT), is outdated. lol. - http://servint.com
Hope to see ya over there! :)

Alright Ya'll I finally have my site mostly up. Thanks to BradR for helping me find a wonderful hosting site.


Check it out if you'd like and if you happen to see any problems let me know, and what browser your using. Thanks!

Oh. and I'm missing the Contact and About me page.

Alright Ya'll I finally have my site mostly up. Thanks to BradR for helping me find a wonderful hosting site.


Check it out if you'd like and if you happen to see any problems let me know, and what browser your using. Thanks!

Oh. and I'm missing the Contact and About me page.

Site looks good and I am impressed with the photos. Nice job. :thumbsup:

Site looks good and I am impressed with the photos. Nice job. :thumbsup:

Thanks I found some issues using a schools computers so gotta work on fixing those issues.

Great site, I was looking at it earlier while going through the accounts on the server, you have some great photos too, and your webhost has terrific uptime and a super fast server! :thumbsup:

teehee :D

Check it out if you'd like and if you happen to see any problems let me know, and what browser your using. Thanks!
You've got some really good photos!

Here is how it looks in Safari 5.0.2, though.


You've got some really good photos!

Here is how it looks in Safari 5.0.2, though.


Thats what it looked like on the school computer too guess I need to find a different gallery code. But it will be a while till I have time gotta get through exams first.

Ok ya'll been working on it again the past few weeks and I think I got it where it would look nice on everyones screen. So take a look http://willindsay.com!

Bumpin since I've mede some changes.

Bumpin this as I'm lookin for a new host the one I'm using is shutting down. So let's here some suggestions.
