Fog Light Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fog Light Question


July 14, 2008
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2012 base
I know there a couple posts about adding fog lights to a base explorer, but I think I'm missing 1 addition to getting two fog light assemblies (4f9z15200-aa), the wiring x2 (????-15a211-??), and the switch (already have), would I also need to get the brackets? If so, what part numbers are they?? I can find 15266 and 15267, but this has not helped me. I'm just researching this without asking the dealer. If I need to ask them I will, just thought someone here could help. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks folks!!

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Are you looking for the function of the fog lights or the look? If its the looks there's a cheap way to get it for about $10.00. I added two 3" clear reflectors to my base Explorer and I feel it looks pretty tight....If I could figure out how to post pictures to this site I would put before and after pictures.

Are you looking for the function of the fog lights or the look? If its the looks there's a cheap way to get it for about $10.00. I added two 3" clear reflectors to my base Explorer and I feel it looks pretty tight....If I could figure out how to post pictures to this site I would put before and after pictures.
Unless you become an Elite Explorer Member, you could use a site like Photobucket and post the link.


Post em!

Are you looking for the function of the fog lights or the look? If its the looks there's a cheap way to get it for about $10.00. I added two 3" clear reflectors to my base Explorer and I feel it looks pretty tight....If I could figure out how to post pictures to this site I would put before and after pictures.

You should post them! I'm totally interested in how you did it! Photobucket or are both good for that!

Are you looking for the function of the fog lights or the look? If its the looks there's a cheap way to get it for about $10.00. I added two 3" clear reflectors to my base Explorer and I feel it looks pretty tight....If I could figure out how to post pictures to this site I would put before and after pictures.

Good idea but I'm looking for functionality as well

Before and After Pictures should be attached...


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Before and After Pictures should be attached...

Looks awesome! Any hints on where you bought those reflectors and/or what kind they are would be helpful! I would totally do that to mine!

Thanks...I found them on-line at It took a good hour or so. The surface needs to be smoothed out so the adhesive would stick. I also added some Gorilla Glue to them for some additional assurance they will stay in-place.

lihtning, I wouldn't spend your money on getting any functionality out of the fog lights. They don't really do much of anything. In fact, I can BARELY tell when they are on.

You'd be better off using that money and investing in better headlights.

lihtning, I wouldn't spend your money on getting any functionality out of the fog lights. They don't really do much of anything. In fact, I can BARELY tell when they are on.

You'd be better off using that money and investing in better headlights.

Really? O.K., I'm going to re-think this then. My old explorer (2006) had fogs and it made a very nice difference!

lihtning, I wouldn't spend your money on getting any functionality out of the fog lights. They don't really do much of anything. In fact, I can BARELY tell when they are on.

You'd be better off using that money and investing in better headlights.

Can brighter bulbs be installed? Would that be helpful, or is it more an issue with focus/aiming?

lihtning, I wouldn't spend your money on getting any functionality out of the fog lights. They don't really do much of anything. In fact, I can BARELY tell when they are on.

You'd be better off using that money and investing in better headlights.
Remember that fog lights are NOT designed to be driving lights. They should only be used in cases of diminished visibility. Some states have laws against using fog lights in any other conditions.:thumbsup:
I find it very frustrating driving at night and meeting vehicle after vehicle
with both headlights and fog lights on. Light pollution! The only conclusion I can reach is that they must have very poor headlights.


I wanted to have DRL's and since I have the Limited with HID's that was not an option.
So I re-wired the fog lights to be on all the time. I also replaced the stock bulbs with higher intensity LED bulbs in order to run cooler and to be brighter.
DRL's - Problem solved.
Stock fog lights = useless

I wanted to have DRL's and since I have the Limited with HID's that was not an option.
So I re-wired the fog lights to be on all the time. I also replaced the stock bulbs with higher intensity LED bulbs in order to run cooler and to be brighter.
DRL's - Problem solved.
Not sure exactly what you meant in your first sentence where you state, "I have the Limited with HID's and that was not an option". You can have the amber lights set up for the DRL. That is what the Canadian Limited model has. If you had no DRL to begin with, all that was required was to visit your dealer and they could have programmed them to be the DRL's. Others on this Forum had done that.
The fact that the LED's you are using now in the fog lights are cooler can present another problem. They won't generate enough heat to clear any ice and snow that build up on them. The fact that they are brighter certainly won't win you any friends if you also use them in combo with your headlights at night. Also, as I posted before, it is illegal to drive with fogs on in some states if conditions don't warrant it.


Remember that fog lights are NOT designed to be driving lights. They should only be used in cases of diminished visibility. Some states have laws against using fog lights in any other conditions.:thumbsup:
I find it very frustrating driving at night and meeting vehicle after vehicle
with both headlights and fog lights on. Light pollution! The only conclusion I can reach is that they must have very poor headlights.


Agreed Peter, I can't stand it when people use fog lights when there is no fog!

I almost never use my fog lights as even in fog they don't really seem to do much of anything!

I guess my thought for this poster is that if he wants brighter light output he's better off upgrading to a brighter halogen. Making sure it's aimed right and within specs and not blinding of course! :)

Agreed Peter, I can't stand it when people use fog lights when there is no fog!

I almost never use my fog lights as even in fog they don't really seem to do much of anything!

I guess my thought for this poster is that if he wants brighter light output he's better off upgrading to a brighter halogen. Making sure it's aimed right and within specs and not blinding of course! :)

My dealer told me they tried, but could not get it programmed for the amber lights to stay on as DRL's. I'll try again at next service.

Not looking for brighter lights, just want to be seen in the daylight as I live in a rural area with a lack of stop lights, have seen too many accidents where one car didn't see the other.

The LED fog lights turn off when the HID's come on, so not an issue when dark.

Not worried about lack of heat melting snow or ice as it does not snow here. California central coast- today about 80F

Can brighter bulbs be installed? Would that be helpful, or is it more an issue with focus/aiming?

I'm thinking that fogs are just not all that helpful on the X as their purpose is to illuminate the immediate roadway in front of the car - much of which is hidden from view by the enormous engine compartment/hood of the X!

Although, according to what I've seen on the 'net, you're supposed to use your fogs alone - e.g., no headlights. I'll see if that makes a difference.


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My dealer told me they tried, but could not get it programmed for the amber lights to stay on as DRL's. I'll try again at next service.

Not looking for brighter lights, just want to be seen in the daylight as I live in a rural area with a lack of stop lights, have seen too many accidents where one car didn't see the other.

The LED fog lights turn off when the HID's come on, so not an issue when dark.

Not worried about lack of heat melting snow or ice as it does not snow here. California central coast- today about 80F

sounds like a decent idea to me.... :) 80F sounds nice ......
