It's been great | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It's been great


Explorer Addict
May 3, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
North of Edmonton
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT, Cayman Green RIP
The old girl finally gave up last week. Bottom end fried, compression issues... My buddy the mechanic warned me that it might have been too high-mileage to do the heads and I knew that but figured I'd give it a shot.

We were moving and due to logistics I was going to have to sell her anyway, she must have overheard me talking about it.

Anyway, I bought a 2006 Rubicon Unlimited, has an ARB bumper that looks amazingly similar to the home made one I had on the Ex. I guess this is my SAS D44 thread?

This has been the only on-line community I have participated in mainly due to the nice folks that are on here. I wish you all the best, I will probably lurk off and on and help out when I can.

Best regards,
Woody. :salute:

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Hey BB, it was around 330,000 kms, the heads cracked last year so I replaced them. It ran great for a while until a couple weeks ago. I no longer have anywhere to work on it so I had to take it to a garage. The trans was working fine. If we weren't moving I would have likely rebuilt the engine. I have a buddy here that would have let me use his garage this summer, moot point though. We are leaving next week, just no time to deal with it.


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Sorry to hear about your truck. Just replaced the engine on my 2005 Explorer XLT in March. I had 299,798 miles when it finally went. I figured it was more cost effective for me to replace the engine rather than get either another used car or a new one with payments. Good luck with your Rubicon!

Thanks guys, i miss the old beast.

At least I'm not the only one who had high miles new heads, blown bottom end. It sucks I know... I'm gonna go v8 and never look back. I have to save a lot of "extra" money to do this though :(.

Although your explorer had 20k less miles (330km = 205k miles ish) when it said deuces.

Oh well, it was a good truck and I had a lot of fun with it. May get another one some day. Good luck with the V8 swap Jeremy. I dont thinnk you ever sent me your new address?

TRADER!!!!!!! Hahaha ;) just joking you liking the heep?

I'll let you know when I pick it up tomorrow dude! It was exactly what I was looking for, I wanted a 06 as it still has the I6 not the V6, auto, Rubi Unlimited and not one of those er... "striking" colours either. Hasn't been messed with too much so it likely hasn't been beat on too bad, owner was military and those guys generally take care of their vehicles. Might seem strange to buy it sight unseen but I have done that a few times and never been burnt.

I'll let you know when I pick it up tomorrow dude! It was exactly what I was looking for, I wanted a 06 as it still has the I6 not the V6, auto, Rubi Unlimited and not one of those er... "striking" colours either. Hasn't been messed with too much so it likely hasn't been beat on too bad, owner was military and those guys generally take care of their vehicles. Might seem strange to buy it sight unseen but I have done that a few times and never been burnt.

Thos i6 are freakn bullet got any plans for mods?

Maybe a remote turbo, low pressure that is. Probably just enjoy not having to wrench on it and drive it for a year first.

Maybe a remote turbo, low pressure that is. Probably just enjoy not having to wrench on it and drive it for a year first.

Right on.yea just helped my neighbor put strut spacers on and he clears 33s fine.think he said he paid $50 for them, looks good too
