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A true 2" shackle


Active Member
June 2, 2013
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City, State
Lafayette, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ford Explorer XLT
For those of you looking to do a 2" BL with shackles and a TT, the war 153 shackles do not provide a true 2" of lift (actually 1.25" or something like that). I found some true 2" shackles on ebay that i ordered.


I will keep you guys updated with a review of them when they arrive.

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The amount of lift gained from a shackle on any vehicle is directly dependent on the condition and sag of the leaf springs they're installed on. My 98 ex has worn springs and was 1.25" on the drivers, 1.5" on the passengers. My 03 ST was 1.5" on each side. Brand new springs will see close to 2".

This is true of any shackle, as the amount of sag on the springs changes the angle of the shackle, which changes the amount of lift gained.

They don't look like they're very well built. Then again, it may just be the eBay picture.

Did you get them yet and install them?

The amount of lift gained from a shackle on any vehicle is directly dependent on the condition and sag of the leaf springs they're installed on. My 98 ex has worn springs and was 1.25" on the drivers, 1.5" on the passengers. My 03 ST was 1.5" on each side. Brand new springs will see close to 2".

This is true of any shackle, as the amount of sag on the springs changes the angle of the shackle, which changes the amount of lift gained.

What you say is true, but the longer the shackle regardless of the leaf spring sag will give some lift. The war 153's are listed that they will give 1.25" of lift. The one from ebay are described as a full 2". I will post updates when they come on the quality of them and if they give me a full 2" of lift (depending on the condition of my leaf springs).
Although it would be nice to compare them to the war 153s in person, but I don't own any :(

They don't look like they're very well built. Then again, it may just be the eBay picture.

Did you get them yet and install them?

They are described as being built out of 3/8" thick steel plates and 1/4" square tubing in the middle. The company seems pretty confident that they are of really high quality, but you never know....
I will keep you updated :D

When u get them measure them so we can see what the difference is I have a set of wars I haven't installed yet so I will measure them tomorrow and will compare

When u get them measure them so we can see what the difference is I have a set of wars I haven't installed yet so I will measure them tomorrow and will compare

I will be sure to do that. I'm interested to see if there is a difference.

So the shackles arrived and i successfully got them installed. So far I haven't had any problems.

Here is a picture of the shackles in the box when they arrived. I have to say, I am not very impressed with the packaging. But hey, they are from ebay after all :D.

Here is one of the shackles in my hand.

For comparison against the war 153's, here is a picture of one of the shackles next to a ruler for measurement. (It would be great if someone could post a similar picture but with the warriors for comparison)

This is a picture of my explorer after I got one of the shackles installed. Big difference! :)

Mission accomplished!

Here's a before and after pic with the new shackles and a TT. Not that noticeable, but I definitely notice it when I'm driving. (The bottom is before and the top is after)

Let me know what you guys think. I personally like the shackles and I think they will hold up well. The finish on the steel is very nice and should hold up well in weather. One difference they have that I noticed compared to the warrios is that the middle support bar between the brackets is exactly in the middle as compared to the warriors where the bar is positioned so that one end is shorter and one end is longer (the longer side secures to the frame and the shorter one is for the leaf spring). I believe that it wouldnt make a difference if mine were offset because the ones I got are supposedly longer than the warriors. Just something I noticed.

The wars are 1" shorter then those you have yours measure 11 1/4 my wars are 10 1/4 they look good tho

I just got a set of these 2" shackles and the mechanic is asking me what angle they should be installed at, whatever that means...

also I bought some new Monroe shocks no: 37035 st but they look like they wont have enough max travel, although the mechanic did show me this while the truck was lifted up in his garage

I just got a set of these 2" shackles and the mechanic is asking me what angle they should be installed at, whatever that means...

no angle just bolt in place of the old ones

I have the standard shackles from Autozone...I'm guessing they are around 1.25-1.5 because the back is a little lower than the front right now. I looked in to the Warrior Shackles but, they dint say specifically they would work on a 2003 Sport. Would like to get the Warriors or these off of ebay if they would level everything out.

...:scratch:...What is the measurement bolt hole to bolt hole?

..I believe he posted those numbers as overall length, not bolt hole to bolthole as a Warrior shackle is 10.25" in length..;)

job done

here they are installed


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When you raise your trucks, has anyone had a problem with driveline vibration. When you raise the vehicle, you change the driveline/pinion angle.

..I believe he posted those numbers as overall length, not bolt hole to bolthole as a Warrior shackle is 10.25" in length..;)

my mistake, i thought i remembered they holes being 10.25 from each other when i did mine.

I still have not installed my wars due to the fact I can't find the Frame bushings did you replace yours? If not how hard was it to get the bolt out I tried when I first got mine but it seemed pretty corroded in there so I put them on the back burner

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I still have not installed my wars due to the fact I can't find the Frame bushings did you replace yours? If not how hard was it to get the bolt out I tried when I first got mine but it seemed pretty corroded in there so I put them on the back burner
