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Auto zone shackles

If you back the screw out, it will lower it. If you unbolt it, it will do nothing but cause that side to drop on top of you and cause the torsion bar assembly twist around possibly knocking your head off.


Uh....tell me you're kidding. If not, how do I do this safely? I'm thinking I might go for a small lift with the Torsion Twists and shackles.

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Its in a really not so good to photograph spot so no, no pics. If I drop the spare tire anytime soon I may be able too. Sorry

Uh....tell me you're kidding. If not, how do I do this safely? I'm thinking I might go for a small lift with the Torsion Twists and shackles.

No joke. The way to do it safely is to tighten the bolts, not loosen them.

still good info. Great place to start for those who want a little lift in less than an hour and for less than 30 bucks.
