Took off my shopping cart bumpers and removed the running boards | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Took off my shopping cart bumpers and removed the running boards

So yesterday I got bored and took off my shopping cart bumpers and running boards.
What do you guys think?
I'm considering debadging it also, but I want to replace the V8 emblem with a 5.0 from a newer Mustang and that the only emblems I have. Suggestions? Thanks!


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shopping cart ?

The grey side bumpers come off?? I was getting ready to plati dip them but if they just come off I might do that. What color is underneath and how do they come off?

The grey side bumpers come off?? I was getting ready to plati dip them but if they just come off I might do that. What color is underneath and how do they come off?

Hah yeah they do. And its whatever color that they are over. And their just glued on, so its really easy to take off. I think it looks a million times better with them off

Hah yeah they do. And its whatever color that they are over.

Unless some d!ckhole body shop painted over them and blended an area... then you pull them off and the paint doesnt match at all!!!!!

Unless some d!ckhole body shop painted over them and blended an area... then you pull them off and the paint doesnt match at all!!!!!

Yep, just had this issue on a Mazda 6 I bought. I guess that door is getting painted...again.

Also removed those on my Explorer years ago. Looks so much better with out...

I wouldn't not remove the side mouldings because they offer some sort of protection. Nonetheless, your rig looks good and clean without them.
