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Battery Issues

PowerSaver =

I am 8 months into a new 2013 Explorer and have had several instances where vehicle would not start. The last incident I was unable to unlock the vehicle manually with the key. Ford Roadside Assistant was unable to unlock vehicle with key so forget about jump starting. And maybe I should mention it was raining and wife and I were unable to get inside the vehicle for protection. I believe something is draining the battery or the battery saver feature is disabling the vehicle from starting and opening the door. I shutter when I see the Powered by Microsoft logo on the console. Can anyone relate or advise? Stranded in Cape Charles!!!

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re power saver

I sent my EXPLORER to the storage on NOV and P/U on MAR 01 with a dead battery Lucky doors not locked WHY WHY ??????

I am 8 months into a new 2013 Explorer and have had several instances where vehicle would not start. The last incident I was unable to unlock the vehicle manually with the key. Ford Roadside Assistant was unable to unlock vehicle with key so forget about jump starting. And maybe I should mention it was raining and wife and I were unable to get inside the vehicle for protection. I believe something is draining the battery or the battery saver feature is disabling the vehicle from starting and opening the door. I shutter when I see the Powered by Microsoft logo on the console. Can anyone relate or advise? Stranded in Cape Charles!!!

have you taken it to the dealership? Yours is the first problem of this nature I have heard.

I am skeptical that your problem unlocking the vehicle manually with the key would somehow be battery related. I could be wrong, but shouldn't that be a mechanical lock/unlock?

As far as your starting issue, it sounds to me more like an alternator problem. The alternator not recharging the battery completely.

DavidB and imbett it would be very helpful for members if we knew which models you have since they are not all the same. If you update your profiles with the model and year it will show in the left margin where your forum name appears.

There have been posts before on batteries being dead after an extended period of time in which the vehicle has not been used. Don't forget that there is always going to be some steady low drain on the battery because of all the onboard electronics. Some of these require constant power.
Also the Explorer uses a Smart Charging Alternator which relies upon regenerative electrical charging to optimally charge the battery instead of the alternator any time the engine is running. Smart Charging increases alternator output when braking or decelerating by converting kinetic energy into electrical energy. It also communicates with the Aggressive Deceleration Fuel Shut-Off (ADFSO) system to ensure the battery is being optimally charged.
In addition, there are also several posts of batteries having to be replaced prematurely. Some within weeks of taking delivery. Mine lasted 2 years.
None of this should have prevented the manual unlocking of the door.
Take it to your dealer and have them test the battery and charging system.


...Can anyone relate or advise? Stranded in Cape Charles!!!

Hi DavidB,

Send me your information in a PM so I can get your regional customer service manager involved. I'll need your VIN, dealer, mileage, daytime phone number, and full name. You can also contact our Customer Relationship Center at 1-800-392-3673 for immediate assistance.

I sent my EXPLORER to the storage on NOV and P/U on MAR 01 with a dead battery Lucky doors not locked WHY WHY ??????

Hi imbett,

Since you live in Canada, your best bet will be to contact Ford Canada; they'll be happy to assist you. They can be reached at 1-800-565-3673.


DavidB and imbett ...In addition, there are also several posts of batteries having to be replaced prematurely. Some within weeks of taking delivery. Mine lasted 2 years....Peter


The 2005 Escape Hybrid I just traded in, I replaced the battery (not the HV) after 8 years because I thought 8 years was well past long enough. Never had any trouble with it even in cold weather.

random unsolicited comment. It wil be interesting to see what sort of life the 2013 Explorer battery gets. I did notice it looks like its twice the size of the old Escape battery.

re battery failure

have you taken it to the dealership? Yours is the first problem of this nature i have heard.

I am skeptical that your problem unlocking the vehicle manually with the key would somehow be battery related. I could be wrong, but shouldn't that be a mechanical lock/unlock?

As far as your starting issue, it sounds to me more like an alternator problem. The alternator not recharging the battery completely.

on my vechical it was a case of dead battery and doors had been unlocked a boost and it started and is fine now. Must be a drain ///??/// it happened last year as i stored also
2012 ford explorer xlt with nav tow power liftgate v6

on my vechical it was a case of dead battery and doors had been unlocked a boost and it started and is fine now. Must be a drain ///??/// it happened last year as i stored also
2012 ford explorer xlt with nav tow power liftgate v6

4 months without the battery getting a charge is a very long time. Maybe next time in storage you will have better results if you put a battery tender on it, if that is possible. If not possible, then you might think about disconnecting 1 battery cable. All vehicles these days draw current from the battery while being parked as there are so many electronics in these things. The more the electronics, the more the draw and the quicker the battery dies.

Thanks to everyone that replied to my inquiry. Some additional information. The vehicle is a new 2013 Explorer XLT. The vehicle has been at the dealership for a full week and I honestly believe they are doing everything possible to diagnose and resolve the problem. I have been completely satisfied with their perseverence and response to date. They do admit they have not seen this problem before. The battery was replaced and was not the problem other that something electrical is constantly running and either draining the battery or disabling it, and the vehicle, from starting. Today there is reason to believe it has something to do with the control processor within the external remote keypad. This part has been ordered and will be replaced in the next day or so. Fingers are crossed that this it the problem. It also makes me wonder if it has something to do with not being able to unlock the door. Stay tuned and please keep your thoughts and comments coming!

I had a problem with the keypad on the door not working and turned out to be a failed body control module.

Good luck.

battery issues again

Hi, I have a 2011 Lmtd with 18,000miles. The battery has failed a third time. Last night the tow operator tried to use a jump box to start it, it failed. He then used jumper cables in addition. It started. Isn't the explorer supposed to go into battery save mode if something is left on. I'm quite sure nothing was. It was checked a year ago when it first happened, dealer said nothing is wrong.

Hi, I have a 2011 Lmtd with 18,000miles. The battery has failed a third time. Last night the tow operator tried to use a jump box to start it, it failed. He then used jumper cables in addition. It started. Isn't the explorer supposed to go into battery save mode if something is left on. I'm quite sure nothing was. It was checked a year ago when it first happened, dealer said nothing is wrong.
I have found that usually when your battery charge starts to become low, you will get a message on the MFT screen to the effect that the battery saver program is off.
I had that happen several times and found that after putting a trickle charger on it for a few hours brought the charge back up. The dealer eventually replaced the battery a few months ago. Just a week or so ago, I got that same message popping up on the MFT. I'm beginning to think that it is because I don't drive the vehicle enough to keep the battery fully charged. This indicates that there is a slow but steady drain on it likely due to all the electronic programs, some of which require power 24/7.


Hi Peter, thanks for your info. I think I have to dig deeper into the problem, I've totally lost confidence in the vehicle/battery issue. It will go to the dealer next week. This vehicle is driven nearly every day, and for periods generally longer then 30 minutes. Maybe the battery is failing early, I have never received any message or indication that it is discharging until I am COMPLETELY without power. The power door locks don't even function. The EX becomes, dead, dead, dead. I'm going to keep looking until the da... gremlin goes away. Thanks for your ideas anyway.

Hi Peter, thanks for your info. I think I have to dig deeper into the problem, I've totally lost confidence in the vehicle/battery issue. It will go to the dealer next week. This vehicle is driven nearly every day, and for periods generally longer then 30 minutes. Maybe the battery is failing early, I have never received any message or indication that it is discharging until I am COMPLETELY without power. The power door locks don't even function. The EX becomes, dead, dead, dead. I'm going to keep looking until the da... gremlin goes away. Thanks for your ideas anyway.
When I took mine to the dealer, they tested the battery and charging system and they noted on the invoice that it failed the test and a new battery was installed. Reading back through some of the threads, it seems that quite a few members have had battery issues with some being on their 3rd new battery. Some failed a few days/weeks after taking possession of their Explorer.
When at the dealer, I think you should ask them to check the charging system first as opposed to just replacing the battery and sending you on your way. Just a thought.
Good luck.



Peter I appreciate you logical approach. Two more quick questions please, When I shutoff the Ex with the pushbutton ignition and then push it again it goes into "accessory" mode. If I exit the vehicle while in that mode I assume the battery is still engaged correct?

Also, does it make any difference if all systems (radio, A/C) are shutoff before the engine is killed. I would think it would draw more battery upon restart. That doesn't seem to be the problem but I am going to adopt that procedure.

Thanks again

Peter I appreciate you logical approach. Two more quick questions please, When I shutoff the Ex with the pushbutton ignition and then push it again it goes into "accessory" mode. If I exit the vehicle while in that mode I assume the battery is still engaged correct?

Also, does it make any difference if all systems (radio, A/C) are shutoff before the engine is killed. I would think it would draw more battery upon restart. That doesn't seem to be the problem but I am going to adopt that procedure.

Thanks again
Hi Jeff. If you leave the vehicle in the "accessory" mode or even in the "ON" mode (engine off) and exit the vehicle the battery saver program will turn the ignition OFF after 30 minutes. The battery is engaged.
It should not make any difference if the radio and A/C or any other features are ON when you shut off the engine or start it. I never turn anything off except the ignition.


My wife's old Xterra was going through batteries once a year or less. Even if the battery being covered under warranty, its a real pain to get stranded somewhere. Charging system was fine. Switched over to an optima battery and it lasted over 5 years. Seems sometimes some batteries just don't last from my experience. The Optima was more money but was worth it in the long run. Maybe the battery was just more compatible with the electrical system I don't know. We were able to remove the jumper cables from the trunk and leave them in the garage after that.

I had a bad battery once as well but like Peter, it was tested by the dealership during another repair (part of their multipoint inspection) and found it bad. I had no symptoms of it being bad. I'm assuming it was below the CCAs that it was supposed to be but still enough in it.

Hi, I have a 2011 Lmtd with 18,000miles. The battery has failed a third time. Last night the tow operator tried to use a jump box to start it, it failed. He then used jumper cables in addition. It started. Isn't the explorer supposed to go into battery save mode if something is left on. I'm quite sure nothing was. It was checked a year ago when it first happened, dealer said nothing is wrong.

Hi lmtdexplr,

I want to get your information into the hands of your regional customer service manager so they can help. Send your VIN, dealer, mileage, daytime phone number, and full name to me in a PM; I'll get to work on this for you.


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I woke up this morning to find my 2013 Explorer, bought in May of 2013, dead! Tried to have the car jumped, nothing.
This is the 2nd problem with this brand new car now. 1st one was a bad fuel pump.
I am so upset and am hoping to have the Lemon Law on my side.
If anyone has any information about Lemon Laws please help me.
I had the car for 10 days and then it was off to the dealer for 6 weeks. Now its going back again and its left me stranded.
