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Issues With My New 2016 Sport

Badluck 77

December 13, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Ford Explorer Sport
Let me preface this by saying I've been a long-time Chevy owner that now has a 2014 F-150 which has been a great truck, with the exception of a trans issue that was resolved very early in ownership.

We just picked up a new 2016 sport for my wife, when I spoke to the dealer I was clear on our needs for the truck, remote start, nav, heated memory seats. Dealer swore up and down the truck had these things, and the website and brochures all said that it would. We waited 4-5 weeks for the truck, and when it came in we took delivery, rushed through the delivery process to where my wife was shown only the basic setup and was told that she would figure out the rest as she drives the car. She gets it home and can't figure out how to setup the memory seat option. We dig through the manual, and it kept referring to the buttons on the door that her truck does not have. We call the dealer only to be told we should stop by one day because another salesman had the same issue on an F-150 and the memory seat functions are located in the nav display. A week later we get a call from the dealer, only to be told that the truck does not in fact have memory seats ($50k memory seats?), that ford mis-printed all of their brochures, and the sell sheets that the dealer was using, as well as the web. So now we are waiting to hear back on what they are going to do. Since the truck is driven by 3 different people almost daily and it's a major PITA to keep moving everything where it needs to be.

Also, on day one we encountered a problem with the power fold 3rd row that kept getting stuck halfway between the stow position. Basically if you pull the headrest strap, the headrest folds and for some reason the seat starts folding by itself, when you try to bring it back to the normal position it gets stuck. We sent it in to the dealer for them to look at it, and they said they couldn't figure it out, and have never seen this before, they would contact ford and get back to us on Tuesday. Today is Sunday, no solution yet and they said to call back this coming Tuesday. The truck only has 500 miles on it.

They also neglected to do a recall on the Nav before delivering the truck to my wife so we had to bring it back for that as well. They actually sent her the recall notice two weeks before she took delivery. You would have thought they would look for these things before handing the keys of a $50k truck to someone.

Needless to say we are extremely frustrated with Ford. She came from driving Cadillac's and made the switch based on the ride and the great service that i have had on my F-150. She said she now feels like garbage when walking into the dealer the way it's set up compared to her previous car experiences, and with way they treated her after the sale.

Anyone else have these problems?


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First off I thought all Sports had memory seats, its simple, look at the lock/unlock button on the door, does it have more smaller buttons labelled 1/2/3 attached?.....those are the memory seat preset buttons.

The programming on the 3rd row PowerFold seems out of whack, I would pull the battery for 15 mins and see if that clears it.

I don't know of any Navigation recall on the Sport other than an easy software update, done by the dealer. But you're right the vehicle should never be delivered without all updates being done.

I thought so too, especially since ford's website and the book, and the dealer said they did. But, this one did not. No buttons. Salesman thought it was in the settings inside My Ford Touch.

That's what the dealer did, and they pulled the seats as well....still out of whack. Thank god we caught it before my 7 year old was back there and it folded on her....because that's what it does, it folds on it's own.

Not sure what the recall was, maybe an update. It had a yellow question mark in the upper right hand corner when you switched it to Nav, whatever they did was to clear that.

So I'm guessing that you just have a lock and unlock button on the driver's door? And not the one pictured here.



  • Door Lock.JPG
    Door Lock.JPG
    57 KB · Views: 954

I just pulled a build sheet for a base model Sport (ie 400A, not 401A package).

Seats are listed as "less programmable"

So without 401A no memory option, with 401A has memory

Looks to me that they listed the brochure as package 400A but listed all the "base" equipment for 401A. OOPS

Are you in Canada? has the right info and as jmc stated, the brochure is correct as well in the US.

Only thing they can really do is order you another one if you want the 401A package. It isn't something that can be added at the dealer level.

It is really a shame that these salesman do not know their vehicles. Even if their "paperwork" is wrong, they should still know all the main features and packages by heart.... it is their job.

Honestly, if this is the case, I'd hit them hard with the false advertising complaint because you were told it had memory seats but it didn't. Make them compensate you or something.

I was pissed when I found out the ambient lighting in the Fusion didn't include lit cupholders despite the website saying cupholders.

Are you in Canada? has the right info and as jmc stated, the brochure is correct as well in the US.

Only thing they can really do is order you another one if you want the 401A package. It isn't something that can be added at the dealer level.

It is really a shame that these salesman do not know their vehicles. Even if their "paperwork" is wrong, they should still know all the main features and packages by heart.... it is their job.
I believe the member is in the U.S.


Are you in Canada? has the right info and as jmc stated, the brochure is correct as well in the US.

Only thing they can really do is order you another one if you want the 401A package. It isn't something that can be added at the dealer level.

It is really a shame that these salesman do not know their vehicles. Even if their "paperwork" is wrong, they should still know all the main features and packages by heart.... it is their job.

Our packages are slightly different for some stupid reason, I was told it has something to do with Canada having different base content like a block heater, DRL's, and some others.

I really don't understand why it can't be standard for North America.

Everytime I talk to sales staff I end up correcting them on the vehicle knowledge. Your right they should have the vehicle and build sheet checked before delivery to the customer. Thats very poor customer service.

so few things.

your dealer and saleman is full of it - and I'd check carefully that bit about the memory seats because they probably outright lied to you.

AS such - I would take your car paperwork and your what not and verify your order sheet because they should install memory seats for you if you have it in writing pre-delivery. if you don't have it in writing then it's your word against theirs and good luck there.

Before you get fed more nonsense memory seats can be added to your car relatively easily. it would be spendy though.

On the recall - it's not for nav but for the phone connectivity - assuming it's the same thing we got a letter for. In our letter ford sent a memory stick and installation instructions - took a whole 3 minutes. the recall probably was issued after your took your car. As such there is nothing they could have done there - with a recall letters and remedy has to be issues to all known owners. It's a legal thing.

So I wouldn't worry about that, they were being safe and trying to keep your safe.

You are correct. One is for the Canadian market and it only has one package (400A) compared to the U.S. version which has the 400A and 401A packages. The difference is that the Canadian 400A package contains many standard features that are shown as an option in the 401A package. This doesn't seem to be anything new.


You are correct. One is for the Canadian market and it only has one package (400A) compared to the U.S. version which has the 400A and 401A packages. The difference is that the Canadian 400A package contains many standard features that are shown as an option in the 401A package. This doesn't seem to be anything new.


So then it seems both catalogs are correct then and there is no error on Ford's end rather a salesman not knowing what the hell he is talking about.

Badluck, just wanted to confirm to you your dealer is full of crap and trying to put the blame on. FORD instead of their error.

Here is a link to every order guide for the Explorer. I have checked every one and all show memory seats on the 401A package only. Go to the 2nd page. Feel free to print them and bring them to your dealer to call them out.

Screen shot of order guude...


Badluck, just wanted to confirm to you your dealer is full of crap and trying to put the blame on. FORD instead of their error.

Here is a link to every order guide for the Explorer. I have checked every one and all show memory seats on the 401A package only. Go to the 2nd page. Feel free to print them and bring them to your dealer to call them out.

Screen shot of order guude...


That was my next step too, pull that order sheet and check the date on it. I agree...the dealer made a mistake

We just got our 16 Sport. I knew we needed 401A to get the memory seats. I don't remember how I knew that, but I know it wasn't because of the salesman. That sucks. We love ours so far with 401A. I am trying to get a new hitch cover though. Ours is not perfect and it started raining when I picked it up and it was wet by the time I got to that part on the car when I was going over it. Looks like someone used a Sharpie to touch up where the shiny clear coat was chipped off. It also has some scratches and a small dent, all in the removable hitch cover. At least that is an easy fix, but I better not have to pay for it. They might be pissed at me though if they tried to roll down the rear passenger window in our trade, or tried to start it in the cold morning and heard the huge rattle from the trans. I kind of forgot to tell them about that, but they didn't give me anything for it anyway.

That's funny (not for you Need-a-cage), mine had a damaged hitch cover and a ding in each front door near the handle.

Took the dealership over 3 weeks to get the replacement (back order) then had to paint it. When the cover came in, the local PDR guys fixed the dings (cannot see them at all).

The OP should be upset at the dealer, not Ford. The vehicle was ordered wrong.

Thanks for the replies guys. I'm in the US. The truck only has the lock unlock buttons on the door. I have the brochure and it clearly states "driver side memory feature" on 400a sport package. When I get home i will post a pic. Also, when we built the truck online in September the website had it stated as well. I plan on raising hell if they don't get back to my this week.

You guys have anything on the 3rd for seat issue?

Thanks again,
Bad luck

Thanks for the replies guys. I'm in the US. The truck only has the lock unlock buttons on the door. I have the brochure and it clearly states "driver side memory feature" on 400a sport package. When I get home i will post a pic. Also, when we built the truck online in September the website had it stated as well. I plan on raising hell if they don't get back to my this week.

You guys have anything on the 3rd for seat issue?

Thanks again,
Bad luck
Just did a build on the website and the 400A package does NOT include memory driver's seat. If you add that feature then it changes to the 401A package and asks if you accept the change it or not.


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Thanks for the replies guys. I'm in the US. The truck only has the lock unlock buttons on the door. I have the brochure and it clearly states "driver side memory feature" on 400a sport package. When I get home i will post a pic. Also, when we built the truck online in September the website had it stated as well. I plan on raising hell if they don't get back to my this week.

You guys have anything on the 3rd for seat issue?

Thanks again,
Bad luck

By no means am I trying to defend Ford on this one.. this is a ****ty situation for you and hopefully you can get something worked out. I wouldn't want to be without the memory feature either.. although it is my wife's vehicle, it is nice to walk up and when I open the door, the seats go right to my position.

I will say though that if the dealer is going by anything BUT the order guide, they are.... well... idiots... You don't go buy brochures.. you go by the official order guide that lists every option, every package and every order code for each package/option. As Ford comes up with updates or changes in packages etc, the order guide is updated and sent out to all dealers.

I still fully blame the dealer on this because THEY should know the difference in the packages... and THEY should be reviewing the order guide with every vehicle they order... not a brochure.

If you went through the link I sent you, you can see how many revisions were made and the 1st page of every order guide tells you what the changes were from the previous version so it is easy to pick out. There was the original order guide from 2014 and 8 revisions since then. Again, the order guides show the correct packages and options. This is still a dealer issue IMO, not Ford.
