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Oil accumulator


High Voltage.
Elite Explorer
February 2, 2002
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Mountaineer AWD
I was looking into options for a pre-Oiler for my Kia. It’s fairly new still, and is my first new car, so I’ve been doing all the appropriate maintenance stuff.

Looking at pre-oilers I discovered accusatory systems. These use oil pressure and a check valve to fill with oil pressure when running. It’d theoretically build to your highest running pressure. Then you can release the oil pressure via a solenoid actuated to push a bit of pressurized oil into the system.

Of course, these are also sometimes found on race engines to smooth out oil pressure issues, and have no valving.

Any thoughts on these? Snake oil? Real benefits?

I think I’d hook them up to my lights. I always run my lights, so the solenoid would stay open and if there was benefit to an oil “buffer” I’d get it. Then before shutting the car off, I’d kill the lights, and build the pressure in the accumulator. Bing-bang-boom, clean install with no switches. (Okay, okay I’m just lazy)

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I use a pre oiler

I use a 30sec timer along with a solenoid check valve combo it's a slick setup if I may say so

Total cost? I can get into a midsized accumulator for under the $150 mark and install in under an hour.

Hell go with that
Do you have a link

Cost me 350$ roughly been going for 4 or 5 years now

There’s a plate that sandwiches under the oil filter for easy hook up. These run about $50.

I think it’s priced itself out of my market. For that kind of money I’ll buy a 25 year old amplifier that serves zero practical purpose.

I am curious about how this type of system works. How much oil volume does it push into the motor? Liquid doesn't compress much volume wise so a pressurized tank filled only with oil would drop its pressure once a small amount of oil is released. Do these systems have something like bladders filled with gasses (air etc.) that get compressed to move a higher volume of oil when they decompress?

I am curious about how this type of system works. How much oil volume does it push into the motor? Liquid doesn't compress much volume wise so a pressurized tank filled only with oil would drop its pressure once a small amount of oil is released. Do these systems have something like bladders filled with gasses (air etc.) that get compressed to move a higher volume of oil when they decompress?
Mine uses 2 psi of air

This may help give an idea how a pre oiler works

Btw.. they don't sell it with the 30sec timer anymore but it's cheap to buy

What about the accumulators? Do they just rely on the pressure from the pump and no other pressure sources? If they just rely on the oil pump for pressure charging then how would they pump a large enough volume of oil into the engine to be effective?

They use air pressure.

Ok I'll try to explain but I'm not to good at this

When your engine is cold ....room temp...the oil pressure is much higher this is key
Turn the key activates the 30 sec timer/relay
Start the engine high pressure cold oil is pumped into the tank ....tank has 2psi air that's all it takes acts like a spring ....
Timer runs out of time shuts off trapping oil in the tank
Fresh start as soon as you turn the key the high pressure oil fills the engine ....about 2-4 seconds ....Start it and the whole process starts over
Without the timer the tank will only have the hot lower oil pressure say 30 psi hot on a really healthy motor
My cold oil pressure is always 60_65 psi

The tank I have holds 1 quart

I connected mine to the oil pressure switch gally
There’s very little info on this motor floating around. Most people that buy them don’t do any modifications, they just run the wheels off them.

There’s very little info on this motor floating around. Most people that buy them don’t do any modifications, they just run the wheels off them.
The only reason I bring it up is every engine has a oil pressure sensor
The sandwich adapter works but it's just not for me I feel it will leak or loosen over time

I chose the insta lube kit because it came with all the hardware pushlock barbs in 3 sizes lots of extra fittings etc..
And everything is marine grade

I could easily check it. Filters never come loose, and they just spin on by hand.

I bought the parts he recommended and had a local repair shop replace it. They never indicated there was a problem. While they had it torn apart I had them replace the water pump and thermostat as this is a easy job with the radiator out.

I bought the parts he recommended and had a local repair shop replace it. They never indicated there was a problem. While they had it torn apart I had them replace the water pump and thermostat as this is a easy job with the radiator out.
Wrong thread perhaps?

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