Exhaust for 2005 Limited 4.6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exhaust for 2005 Limited 4.6


Well-Known Member
March 7, 2020
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City, State
Land O Lakes, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Limited 4.6 4x2
I have an ‘05 Limited with the 4.6 V8 in it. I want to make it sound meaner like a muscle car but by no means excessively loud or crackly. Any suggestions for what to do for cheap?

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Look into various '99-'04 Mustangs with aftermarket exhaust. They will sound very similar to your Explorer since they share the same basic engine.

I have an ‘05 Limited with the 4.6 V8 in it. I want to make it sound meaner like a muscle car but by no means excessively loud or crackly. Any suggestions for what to do for cheap?
A flowmaster 44 will give it a nice bump up although that still might be to loud. Definitely the cheapest

And a local exhaust shop should be able to weld it in for under $50

I have a 2002 Explorer EB with the 4.6 and went with a Gibson Performance exhaust. I wanted something a little more aggressive sounding outside, but with zero droning inside. Gibson was perfect and I've been very happy with it.

I have a 2002 Explorer EB with the 4.6 and went with a Gibson Performance exhaust. I wanted something a little more aggressive sounding outside, but with zero droning inside. Gibson was perfect and I've been very happy with it.
Do you have a link? I saw a YouTube video of an ‘06 4.6 with a Gibson in and really liked it.

A flowmaster 44 will give it a nice bump up although that still might be to loud. Definitely the cheapest
The 44 is just the muffler, correct?

Do you have a link? I saw a YouTube video of an ‘06 4.6 with a Gibson in and really liked it.

Here's a link to the Gibson exhaust:

I don't have a video online of my exhaust, but this video is pretty close:

I do have Magnaflow direct replacment catalytic converters (bolts right up to the exhaust manifolds and to the Gibson exhaust) and that increases the burble a bit, but certainly no drone.

Here's a link to the Gibson exhaust:

I don't have a video online of my exhaust, but this video is pretty close:

I do have Magnaflow direct replacment catalytic converters (bolts right up to the exhaust manifolds and to the Gibson exhaust) and that increases the burble a bit, but certainly no drone.

Do you happen to have a link for where you got the direct bolt on cats?

Do you happen to have a link for where you got the direct bolt on cats?

I got mine off eBay and they were stainless steel Magnaflow tubing and cats. Probably better to use Google search with the part number, and click on "shopping" under the search bar to find the best price. Retail for my direct fit cats were $2,034 ans I think I paid $1,300. Mine were the more expensive California CARB compliant version.

You can look up the part number at Magnaflow and determine the right part number for your state (49 state compliant) or California (CARB) compliant version, at Magnaflow's website:

Then take that part number and shop at eBay for the lowest price. For example, a 2002 Explorer with a 4.6 in California eouldmuse part number 447243, whereas the same 2002:Explorer using Federal Standards (and not in California, New York, or Maine) would ise part number 49404.

Good luck!


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A flowmaster 44 will give it a nice bump up although that still might be to loud. Definitely the cheapest
Anything slightly cheaper? I know someone to weld it in

Anything slightly cheaper? I know someone to weld it in
Flowmaster is the cheapest I know of without getting obnoxiously loud etc straight pipes, cherry bombs. I know in my area a few mufflers are sold used on Facebook marketplace, Craigslist and those sites for a fraction of the price just slightly aged if you don’t mind. A new one should run around $80 I believe

Flowmaster is the cheapest I know of without getting obnoxiously loud etc straight pipes, cherry bombs. I know in my area a few mufflers are sold used on Facebook marketplace, Craigslist and those sites for a fraction of the price just slightly aged if you don’t mind. A new one should run around $80 I believe
Ok, thank you

And a local exhaust shop should be able to weld it in for under $50
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