4.6 swap into 2005 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.6 swap into 2005


New Member
April 17, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 ford explorer xlt
im bying a 2005, 4.0, 4x4 that needs a engine, i have a 1996 4.6 that runs great, is the bellhousings compatible between the early 4.6 and the 4.0 ???

if not the same bellhousing, about how much should i expect to pay for a transmission that will work in its place ??

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1996 & 2005 are completely different platforms. Your '96 has a 5.0 mated with a 4R70W transmission. I've never done any kind of a swap so I do not speak from experience, but in my uninformed opinion it is not viable. YMMV

He might be saying he has a 1996 4.6L V8 out of some vehicle. He never stated he had a 1996 Explorer...

In either case.

The 4.6L transmission has a different bell housing to mate to the 4.6 V8.

The 5r55 was originally designed for the 4.0 V6. But Ford decided they didn't want to keep installing the 1500 duty transmission behind their V8s so someone said the V6 trans is good enough...

Ahhh, gotcha Joe. My mistake.

not to thread jack, but i have a very sim question. i have a 03 xls and its starting to have some tip issues, I have stumbled across a cheap 5.4 4v intech with uncut harness and tranny. besides wiring and k member, what am i looking at being in the way of the swap?

to be clear, my 4.6 came out of 1996 merc. grand. marqis, i dont have a trans, i was wanting to know if my 4.6 would mate to the trans in the 2005 exp. that has a 4.0/with auto.

if the trans in the explorer now wont work, what trans will ??

a 5r55 from a V8 Explorer. I'm being serious.
