1998 Explorer 5.0 “Restoration2021” project | Page 19 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 Explorer 5.0 “Restoration2021” project

I'm in the north part of Alabama which is way different that the lower half of the state which us 256ers (our area code) refer to the south half as L.A.
,lower Alabama. I was born and grew up in Huntsville, then south to College then when I came back I moved north of the big city to Hazel Green. A few years later I moved 4 miles west to Lickskillet, yep!
Huntsville just became the largest Metropolitan area in the state. The US Space program has been here since 1958? and now Blue Horizon, Spacex and other space contractors are here. TOYOTA Motor plant is here building V-8s for the trucks. Polaris building SxSs, and recently Toyota/Mazda built an auto manufacturing plant that just announced that now they are building two models out there by I-65.

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Welded the drivers seat frame yesterday. Put a fast coat of paint on the welds.

The drivers in my '94 broke as well, and I was 10 pounds over weight. So is that a common thing?

The drivers in my '94 broke as well, and I was 10 pounds over weight. So is that a common thing?
Well, This is the First EX I've torn apart to this level. However, When I pulled the cloth seat coverings off in the junkyard the drivers frame was broken on that too. So I'd bet its more common than not. When I welded it I welded the length of the support rather than just two one inch spots on each side. Should be good for another 25 years.

Thanks @SuperGordo . I was down to the wrecking yard, and spotted a 2nd gen Limited w/ a perfect interior(leather). So pulled the driver seat out and ran some power to it, then masked the difference a little between the 2 front seats by sheepskins. Sure miss that truck

Seat frames cracking on WJ Jeep Grand Cherokees was/is a very common problem due to sub-par material. Ask me how I know!


Replaced the lower ball joints today. Greased the front end. Installed new sway bar endlinks. And installed the new wheels and tires. Smog test and wheel alignment th is week. Then we can talk burnouts…. CCECA01C-4B37-4F1B-8226-9063465FD356.jpeg 2B898E2E-3B57-40AC-AE85-2CDD964B41E8.jpeg 89ECA43F-0B85-4DF7-9D68-4B443B970E8B.jpeg 7835A04A-10E4-4728-A3F8-9C30B6318810.jpeg 94EBC622-634B-4A80-8DDF-B8FE142D1CDC.jpeg

Today is the first time it’s had matched wheels and tires since I bought it.

Now for this: (Sorry)

mothers.jpeg drill pads.jpg wheel.jpeg

You can send me those wheels anytime

G, Looking good. My '91 came with that type of wheel.

I like it all. Thats alot plus of hands on work done.

G, Looking good. My '91 came with that type of wheel.
I got lucky with these wheels. I bought them at my local Pick A Part yard. $100. They are the 1989 Ranger wheels. 15x7. Pretty good shape really. One wheel has a bit of curb rash, the rest are pretty nice. But I like them on this color explorer. Gives it a slightly aggressive look. Better than the stock wheels. It's kinda rare that people leave full sets of wheels on a vehicle in the yard. But these had some strange old wheel locks on them. So I took my electric impact and a lock remover socket and got them. Even the guy from the yard was surprised I got them off.

Here is a very short video of one of the old worn lower ball joints.

Plenty of life left.

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A good couple of days for sure!
Kudos also for the most extensive interior rehab I've ever seen! (Glad I didn't have to face doing that on mine.)
