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Wind noise


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
Okay so I've been having a lot of wind noise coming from in-between the fender and the driver door is there any insulation I maybe missing it was fine when I had the original fender 2 years ago.

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Did you have a front fender replaced? Collision damage? Rust? Is the replacement fender OEM? Did the increased wind noise follow immediately after fender replacement?

I replaced a lot of front end sheet metal after a collision, including the front fenders. As I recall, there was a piece of “insulation” at the front fender, near the front door area. But the insulation piece did not appear critical or structural, so I deleted it with no issue.

Good luck with this.

There is a insulation pad in the hinged area between the door and fender, full length. Also in the door strike have a plastic (PVC) tube on the latch strike bolt. When they drop off , now you don't have a tight door seal.



These overlooked foam "insulators" should be abundant at salvage yards. Bring and bend a metal coat hanger to remove.

View attachment 436999
View attachment 437000
How did you get into that spot to glue it?
These overlooked foam "insulators" should be abundant at salvage yards. Bring and bend a metal coat hanger to remove.
How did you get into that area to position and glue them? I'm not sure what you mean by plastic fender liners.

How did you get into that spot to glue it?

How did you get into that area to position and glue them? I'm not sure what you mean by plastic fender liners.
Carefully. Surprised me these were only held by friction from the factory. Very difficult location to access. IIRC, I cleaned the contact surface as well as I could then applied the E6000 adhesive directly to the foam and carefully positioned them in place. What I like about this adhesive is it dries clear and remains pliable even after drying. Easy to peel and remove after it dries.

Fender liners are the hard black plastic pieces inside the fender well.
