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What is this

:thumbsup:Ok guys thank you very much for all answers.
through perseverance i finally found !!! yes Mr joe dirt out there two O2
I took pictures to show for those who are interested

conductor side, it is placed just above the shaft of transmission

passenger side it is placed just front above catalytic


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Travail bien fait! :D

Ah ok- I thought the '94 was the changeover year...

You know how 1st gens are. There could be 93's with 1 & mine is a freak. :D

Just like my '95 had '94 sensors...? :D

You know how 1st gens are. There could be 93's with 1 & mine is a freak. :D

I have found at least 3 PCM configurations for 93 with automatic transmission.

1 has one 02 sensor-batch fire injection

1 has 2 02 sensors-batch fire injection

1 is converted to sequential fire ignition, 2 o2 sensors, with egr and electrical cam sensor on oil pump drive unit. (California I suspect)

The pin configuration on the PCM is unique to each one.

I assume there are as many if not more for manual transmission.

91-92 had 1 O2 sensor..

Sometime during the 93 production year they went to 2 O2 sensors. And then in the 2nd Gen's, they have as many as 4 O2 sensors.

Upstream = before the catalytic convertor

Downstream = after the catalytic convertor

They are not difficult to replace. You can use an open-end wrench, or a special socket like this:

Are you serious?

Remember my thread on that, and I only had 110K on it.
Two days under the truck with an acetylene torch.
Another day to clean the bung, no luck, special order tap on ebay, another day and some cutting oil to clean it out....

Best advice was to just cut the bung off and weld on a new one. That would have taken a couple more days and I do not have a tig welder,

Easy, nothing to it when the truck is new!

Come On.....
Not my first time out on the play ground....

Take it to the shop my friend if you dont have the tools, not an easy job.


What gives? I'm not on my first rodeo either. I've done several now including the ones on my '95- still original and Michigan-rusted in at 230,000 miles. It wasn't easy, but that doesn't mean that all of them are impossible. :dunno:

The last set of 4 I did was on Deuce, at about 200k, and I had no issues breaking any of them loose with a normal open end wrench from underneath.

Hell- several is probably about 15 cars worth, and none were newer than 7-8 years old. I've never had issues like that, Bob.

I live in the rust belt and I've always just used an open end wrench. But that doesn't mean it it will always be easy, yours may be the exception to the rule.

So Im just on a good run of bad luck, is that it.

Not easy....

You guys just got lucky. Thats all.


Enough of this, go check funny pictures for one I took today.
Give me 10 minutes to get it posted......


So Im just on a good run of bad luck, is that it.

Not easy....

You guys just got lucky. Thats all.


Enough of this, go check funny pictures for one I took today.
Give me 10 minutes to get it posted......


Hum Bob Wiersema worries me a little ............. but apparently, nothing complicated.
I did. to Started the truck and let heat for 5 minutes.
then be very careful not burn fingers with the sensors
with a wrench get out the sensors easily

