Windows down with the remote? (Global Open) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Windows down with the remote? (Global Open)


April 15, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
burlington Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer Sport
2015 Sport,

Will the windows down from the remote?

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My '13 CMax will but my '13 Explorer will not. :thumbdwn:

Just hold down the unlock button on the key fob for a few seconds. Thats what gets them down in the CMax.

The feature is known as global open. On the sport I would think that would be enabled. Its considered a "fancy" option.

I have that 'fancy' option on the MKT so perhaps it may be a setting that can be enabled on the Explorer using the IDS tool.:dunno:


My '13 CMax will but my '13 Explorer will not. :thumbdwn:

Just hold down the unlock button on the key fob for a few seconds. Thats what gets them down in the CMax.

Tried it. No luck.
And no mention (yet found) of it in the bible.

It's an option I really liked in my just traded Odyssey van. Hot car and it was always nice to bring them down when walking up to it. The family liked it.
I suppose the remote start/air on in the Sport negates the need for it now?

Cheers, Mark

Peter - I would think that it would also open your sun roof at the same time? It quickly lets out all the hot air from the vehicle as you are returning to it on a hot day. A nice feature.

Delivered on the Fusion in 2013. Offered on 'Select' vehicles in 2014. The Explorer isn't considered 'Select'.

It is a select-able item in IDS. Doesn't mean it will work. The software in the vehicle must allow it to work. For example...I have global open in my Taurus SHO (btw its only the front windows and if equipped the moonroof opens to the vent position). The option is there for global close in IDS. I can enable it but it still doesn't function.

It's a fairly simple change thru the ECU in the Focus. Did mine over a year ago. Wish our explorer had it.

Can confirm my 15 Fusion SE has global open AND close. My 15 Explorer Limited does not have either option, but it does have remote start, so I guess that's the trade-off.

Can confirm my 15 Fusion SE has global open AND close. My 15 Explorer Limited does not have either option, but it does have remote start, so I guess that's the trade-off.

My 14 Fusion Ti had global open and close. Really miss it on my 14 Ex Limited :(

In order for Global Open to work, Accessory Delay has to be disabled. That means you have to choose between the global open/close or being able to operate accessories after you turn off the ignition. (the 10 min accessory timer only, accessories will operate if you select the accessory position on the ignition)
Try disabling the Accessory Delay feature and then check to see if your global open/close work.

(edit) Both of these features are accessed using Ford IDS programming, so you'll have to go to a tech to get it done.

In order for Global Open to work, Accessory Delay has to be disabled. That means you have to choose between the global open/close or being able to operate accessories after you turn off the ignition. (the 10 min accessory timer only, accessories will operate if you select the accessory position on the ignition)
Try disabling the Accessory Delay feature and then check to see if your global open/close work.

(edit) Both of these features are accessed using Ford IDS programming, so you'll have to go to a tech to get it done.
Perhaps the MKT is different then. I have the Global Open feature and can still operate accessories after shutting off the ignition.


The Lincoln MKT is a Luxury vehicle, and since global open/close is considered a Luxury feature, there are probably some programming differences in the MKT BCM to accommodate it and not disrupt the accessory delay feature.

On Fords in which the global open/close will work, you have to disable the accessory delay feature. I have no idea if the Explorer is one of the fords on which it will work, (although I have seen a youtube video in which a russian shop got it to work on an Explorer, but they may have used aftermarket electronics) I was just making the suggestion for someone to try.

Perhaps the MKT is different then. I have the Global Open feature and can still operate accessories after shutting off the ignition.


Same with my focus.

I think market research is showing that to be a less desireable feature - which of course means it's something I like.

cuts down a bit on the complexity of the codes needed for key fobs and now smartphone access.

remote start with auto climate on is a nicer feature I suppose.

what I want to do is lock the car as I walk away - and with some button press/combo what have to - crack all the windows and the moon roof as a vent mode.

but that's just too much to ask I suspect.

While ago ford's technician hooked up laptop with their software and we looked thru all the options available to be changed - didn't find anything like "global open/close" or similar to that. It sucks to be honest. My $17k 2007 Focus (Europe's one) had it by default from factory (all four windows) and since then it was never considered by me as "luxury" option...

While ago ford's technician hooked up laptop with their software and we looked thru all the options available to be changed - didn't find anything like "global open/close" or similar to that. It sucks to be honest. My $17k 2007 Focus (Europe's one) had it by default from factory (all four windows) and since then it was never considered by me as "luxury" option...

If you give me your VIN I can double check.

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Actually I was hooked up to a 2012 XLT at the end of June and just pulled up the session. Lists global open and global closed as disabled. Would have to test it on a live vehicle to see if enabling it really enables it.


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