What do you do for a living? | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What do you do for a living?

Im the youngest day stocker at my friendly neighboorhood kroger store!:cool:
:thumbsup: fun job

oh and i am a full time SENIOR at cypress woods high school
party time

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I am a painter in the trades. I work on new custom homes 90% of the time. I used to work in the industrial/commercial field, but I left that behind for the younger guys! Nowadays I let my creativity, artsy fartsy stuff shine through. I am known in this area for my woodwork finish skills. Specialty coatings are what I enjoy the most, it is challenging, and it pays better! Advanced painting so-to-speak! I use a brush only about 10% of the time, spraying is most of my work. When I tell people I am a painter, they think all I do is stroke a brush up & down all day! That was true 26 yrs ago in my first year of trade school!

Horrifyingly boring entry level gruntwork. Glorified data entry. :( The only cool part of my job is the people and the fact that my company runs the Shop MLB NFL, NBA, and NHL sites, among others.

I joined the volunteer fire department though, so that adds a lot of excitement to an otherwise dreary existence.

Inventory Control and Purchasing for a high security lock company. Wish I could put them on my EX!!

unfortunately still in high school but i'm working at a retail store and will be going to college studying to be a history teacher

Working as a Apprentice General Motors Automotive Service Technician lol =D
Or GM Mechanic lol

But I plan on joining the Edmonton Police Service in 9 months =D

International Programming Engineer at a very very large software company.

I am an auto technician at a local Ford dealer

still a senior in high school but my last summer job and where i am still employed is on the grounds crew for a local country club, mowin grass and i was puttin in around 45+ hours a week

A vendor compliance/wharehouse manager at a women's accessory distributor. Not my dream job but it pays well and pays the bill. So if you guys need panty hose or really cheap jewelries, you guys let me know. I got the hook up! :D

event manager at the banquet department in a hilton hotel.. so i'm tired of parties since i get to attend them every single time i go to work.. love the live bands though :D

I sell used furniture for the richest man in the world.
that’s right Warren Buffet owns used furniture stores :D

I'm a PA, I work for the auto industry, the company I work for supplies parts to Ford, GM, Hummer, Toyota, Honda, BMW, Chrysler etc

I am a Flight Instructor.

I'm a letter carrier for the post office (when they aren't firing or refusing to re-hire me because of my military service).

I'm also a soldier:salute: and a paramedic (as of 09 October 2009). :usa:.

Custom welder/Fabricator... Alot of stainless tig welding and fab./custom machinary and custom bobbers/choppers on the side.

I'm a billing analyst for the company that facilitates the federal employees dental and vision insurance program. I make sure federal civilian employees get their dental and vision premiums deducted from their pay

I'm the guy who dots the i's and crosses the t's. Ok but seriously I am just a poor college student who is studying to become an art teacher. I also currently work for a biotechnical company as a software engineer. That and im a lazy man in my off time. Hey it’s a tough job but someone here has to be lazy :D

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I'm an MCP -Technical Specialist for Stony Brook University. I manage labs for college student general purpose use and IT Training for adult students as well. I maintain 125 PC/Server setups with about 600 diffferent builds between them.
