Parking Brake Adjustment | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Parking Brake Adjustment


Well-Known Member
April 7, 2007
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Englewood, co
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 Mountaineer V6 AWD
Can someone post pictures and instruction on how to adjust the parking brake?

I read several post saying it in the back of the rotors but I can’t find it. Thanks in advance!!

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When you take the rotars off, you will see a star thread. Twisting it with a flathead screwdriver will make the pads spread apart or come closer together depending on the way you twist them.

when you remove the rotor, look at the bottom of the hub. The star thread is visible but sometimes this part is so rusted that you can't do any adjustments anymore.


Remove the knock out plug on the back of the backing plate to access the star wheel.

Remove the knock out plug on the back of the backing plate to access the star wheel.
Got picture of the knock out plug location? I looked in the back of the wheel and didn't see it. Do I need to take the wheel off to see the plug?

On the inboard side of the backing plate you should see the circular depression. Sorry I do not have a picture.
