Uses for USB cell stick? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Uses for USB cell stick?


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2013
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City, State
Paris, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Ford Explorer Sport
So, I've done searching and found limited info...
Is there any use for the USB cell stick other than turning the Ex into a wifi hotspot?

Seems like there could be so much more...

You can load music onto a USB flash drive, plug it in, and listen to music.

You can load music onto a USB flash drive, plug it in, and listen to music.

Not for a usb stick in general, a USB cellular stick (3g or 4g data connection).

Thanks though!

Not for a usb stick in general, a USB cellular stick (3g or 4g data connection).

Thanks though!

Be aware the Cellular USB drivers are very limited. You will need to do a lot of investigation as to if the cellular usb modem is even supported by the vehicle. This information is very limited and you may have better luck if you can find a cell company local that will be nice enough to let you try their demo models in the vehicle first.

Every one I've tried so far with Verizon says "Not Supported, please remove the device".

With that information, it will be a matter of if the found USB modem has additional features built into the driver that Ford has loaded.
