Intake Gaskets | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Intake Gaskets


Active Member
May 22, 2018
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Explorer XLT 1997 4L SOHC
Hi Guys
I have just replaced the upper and lower intake gaskets and reattached all hoses and wires and still my engine is running rough like 1 minute nice and smooth the next it wants to stall. What have I done wrong or is it another fix I have to do?

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Oh yeh sorry it's a 1997 4.0 SOHC

Any codes from engine?

If you do your own mechanic work, especially on the engine, your going to need a scanner of some type that can pull codes and show live sensor data while the engine is running. You have to know what the sensors are doing, this way your not chasing your tail trying to find a problem if you have one. If all the sensor data is good but you still have a problem, then you know it is somethiing mechanical in the engine itself.

Was it running well before?
If it was running properly before you did the intake gaskets and now it is missing then first check your firing order, make sure you put the plug wires in the correct spots

Thanks for the replies but I found the problem. As I was putting plenum on a piece of the gasket got twisted and broke so I will have to get new gasket and be a bit more careful.

Use some Vaseline to hold the gaskets on place helps a ton

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