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December 26, 2018
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2001 Ford explorer sport
How hard is it to change the blower motor in my 2001 explorer sport it's making a horrible sound only when you turn the fan on

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I am not sure there is anything easier to change on an Explorer, even they battery can be more trouble
Remove 1ea 10mm bolt that retains your cruise control
Remove 3ea 8mm bolts (can be other sizes too diff years) that retain the blower motor to the housing
Then there is a gasket and the wiring plug to deal with
Be prepared to remove some debris from inside the HVAC box, a small vacuum and compressed air work well here
Clean surface, prepare new motor with gasket and re install

I like Motorcraft blower motors but I have had good luck with 4 seasons brand also........
You can buy a motor with or without the squirrel cage, if you re use the stock part I like to wash it in the sink before re install

Been the same since the 91 Explorer....Just don't get anything metal. That will make a lot of noise.

This is one of the easiest though to replace! 30 minute job, 45 min to an hour if you don't have the right extensions for your ratchet (the bolts holding the wiper fluid and coolant reservoirs are at an odd slant in a narrow space) but no matter what it's still a simple job! Just keep in mind the replacement motor most likely won't come with the "squirrel cage" or the little hose on the side so make certain to be careful removing the old motor assembly and don't damage or discard those parts! You CAN get one with that included but they're alot more expensive!

Just keep in mind the replacement motor most likely won't come with the "squirrel cage" or the little hose on the side so make certain to be careful removing the old motor assembly and don't damage or discard those parts! You CAN get one with that included but they're alot more expensive!

I would take the old motor off, and take those parts off of it before buying one so you're sure they come off without breaking. If the cage breaks you'd want to know ahead of time to buy one with a new cage.

Thanks for the advice and I just received my blower motor yesterday and I plan on getting to today or tomorrow
