Rear glass opens sometimes by its self? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear glass opens sometimes by its self?


April 8, 2018
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT
Hello, sometimes when I get into the car the rear glass is open and unlocked. Is there something I am doing on the key fob to unlock and open the glass? Thanks

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Yes. Well, really the blame is fords for a dumb decision to have it take only one button press to pop the rear glass, and to allow you to pop the rear glass from the fob even with the doors locked..... That and keeping your keys in your pocket.
I had this happen, literally, several times a week. it seemed like every 2nd or 3rd time I got it, I would have to stop, get back out, and close the rear glass. I solved it the same way I solved accidentally hitting the panic alarm all the freaking time, by opening the fob and putting a dot of super glue on the button.... Sure I can no longer use the fob to pop open the glass, but in reality, how hard is it to hit the button on the hatch to do the same thing? I miss being able to pop it with my fob NOT AT ALL!..... Its been glorious to NOT have to get back out and close the rear glass all the time.....

Do you use the keyless entry keypad? if so, hitting the 5/6 button after the code will open the hatch.

Also, what Dacaur2 said about the button on the fob and keeping the fob in your pocket.

I have to agree - it has happened to me but not with the alarming regularity that it happens with dacaur2. I have accidentally set the alarm off a few times while working in the garage with the keys in my pocket. The rear glass was probably open the next morning also.

mine used to do it while driving... latch was all gummed up and dirty

mine does it 1-2 times a week. Its not the key fob i am sure. any ideas?

When i sprayed WD40 in the latch real good 2x i stopped having the window spontaneously open.
