Drivers window vibrates when it goes down | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Drivers window vibrates when it goes down


August 5, 2013
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2001 Explorer Sport
I have a 2001 ford explorer sport with electric windows and when I roll the drivers down, it shakes like crazy and I have to roll it down in "bursts" to prevent the door from shaking off! :( it is horrible. Any lube or anything I could use to fix this?

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Spray silicone in the window channels. Remove the door panel and white grease on the mechanism.

Grease the regulator like he^^ suggested and silicone the window rubber like he^^ suggested...:)

Thanks I will do that!

Did what you guys said and it worked perfect! Thanks a lot!

IMO, just grease the mechanism tracks. I would think any grease in the window tracks would eventually attract dirt and cause problems.

My passenger window was having issues. I just lubed the mechanism tracks with some synthetic grease I had on hand. Works as it should.

Use crc heavy duty silicone spray in the glass tracks
Mine had 20 years on pollen in them

I highly recommend Liquid Wrench brand foaming silicon spray sprayed liberally in the window channels periodically. I've had Explorers with windows that would go down unless you pushed them down by hand. After spraying with silicon they worked perfectly for several years w/out respraying.

As far as greasing the regulators, it shouldn't be necessary as they use nylon slides, but I guess it couldn't hurt.
