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Dome light question


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
Is your dome light on 91 supposed to come on when popping your hatch glass like later explorers

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I ran a wire up to a plunger I added so the light would come on when the glass was opened. It was for a aftermarket alarm that uses the dome light circuit.

I have a separate switch for an LED light I installed for use when I just open the glass. In the pic below, you can see the switch on the left next to the 12V power plug I added. The LED light is in the upper left corner of the pic.
The light is so bright, that I typically turn it on even when I open the hatch as it will over power the stock dome lighting! Switch and all I have about $15 in this setup.


I used a switch just like the one in the picture. I drilled a hole in the hatch panel next to the glass latch, plugged it in and added the wiring. The wiring was extended from the factory hatch door wiring that runs nearby. The glass when latched keeps the plunger depressed. It looks factory, was easy and inexpensive.

Salvage a mercury switch out of an old house thermostat.
A little super glue and some wire.
