expo underwater question!!!please help | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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expo underwater question!!!please help

I sunk my explorer underwater yesterday at a pond.. once my hood and engine went underwater I killed my engine and then had a buddy pull me out with my truck in neutral and the engine off... once the truck was out and on dry land It wouldnt start... I would get just a click almost like the battery was dead but keep in mind all my power windows, radio, and accessories worked...

Is there anything wrong with my engine? im hoping someone out there will know because I have no clue!!! could water have gotten into my engine through my intake? what can I do to fix this??? please help me

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It could also ruin the motor, trans, electrical. Just because some people don't do maintence until they absolutely have to doesn't mean there is anything postive about sinking a truck.

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well whatever


quite an interesting post guys. First off, and I know you're already aware of this, NEVER tresspass and wheel. The Eco-Nazi's are canstantly trying to shut down trail systems, you give them ammunition. Second of all, I realize this is a board for getting help on your truck, but go to Auto Zone, or Advanced, or Pep Boys or whereever and get yourself a manual. No tool will ever help you more than this simple book. Third, I think ya'll should make this post a sticky somewhere on what never to do and how to fix, or do as little damage as possible once it happens. There's quite a few lessons to be learned from this incident, and believe me, everyone needs to know these things if they even consider going offroad. Coda

well said coda

well i havent seen this thread in a while and i understand what you two said..... I have learned alot from my recient experience... but you say to go to auto zone or etc???? what is this website for????
Looking back at the whole incedent, this web site expanded my knowledge to an extreme about explorers and what the best thing is i was taught every thing i know through awesome indivuals that have the experience and knowledge i lacked and therefore many other people at autozone or anyother place know....
This is technology and im using it so before you critisize my ways be more level headed....
also what book tells you exactly what to expect going wrong with a motor once it is submerged?

also thankyou every one who has helped me with this incident!!!!;) if you would be interested to see what i have done to my expo then contact me
thanks eric

and one moer thing my truck runs great and i have had no futher problems after sinking it about a year ago


Test the water out with a stick before you get accelerator happy

that is so true. there are times where i wish i had done this as well. glad it still runs:D

hey eric if you want i can post your pictures of your truck for you. just let me know.


Originally posted by hardazz04
alright cool good to know
i have a ? how do i drain the front differential with out removing my whole front end? there has to be a way... maybe from the fill pug???
You stick a hose in the drain plug and suction it out. That is how Jiffy Lube or some similar place would do it.

yea the front diffy was a biotch, I did exactly what you said, but with the water in the front diffy it turn the gear oil into a thick sludge and would always clog the pump but after days of pumping and then cleaning the pump i finnally got all the sludge out... and thank god for the tranny cooler line!!! that allowed me to manually pump clean synthetic tranny fluidinto my tranny!!!:D

thanks rex, but i recently got a digital camera so im gonna get some good shots..maybe i could park next to your expo and get some good pics...:)

Originally posted by hardazz04

thanks rex, but i recently got a digital camera so im gonna get some good shots..maybe i could park next to your expo and get some good pics...:)

no, i mean host the pictures for you. i think i have one or two with both our ex's in the shot. both our ex's will be here at the apartment and you are more than welcome to come by and take a few pics.

If I was you I would take that front diff apart just to make sure there's nothing left of that sludge... otherwise it might still be grinding on the wheels...

just my two cents.

Glad it worked out OK... my friend wasn't that lucky... about a year ago we went wheeling to the Badlands... he took his wife's almost new Cherokee... and see what happened:

he ended-up taking it back to the dealer... told them he got stuck under viaduct during rain storm (pretty common for these to get flooded during rain storms here in Chicago)... truck was never the same. Jeep is not any better than Ford - you could of been looking at thousands of dollars in engine/tranny work... you just got lucky.

yea thats for sure dre..i was really expecting alot more damage then what happend.. but one thing if you take care of it the right way and do the required steps before starting an engine and driving your chances increase of having a fine working engine...
I was very lucky i mean how would that look to my insurence company??? haha

to be honest... issue with the Jeep was not so much about the engine... although she swallowed a lot of water... but with electrical system. He had water in his instrument cluster... fuse box and all the important connectors in his dash... it was a ghost truck after the dive... lights would come on and go by themself... radio would start going through stations like crazy... no turn signals... and lots and lots of other problems... to tell you the truth though... this guy drove his Jeep home after we cleaned water out of the engine... never changed any fluids untill it was too late... he drove 250 miles before getting home. It was kind of hard to do it all on the spot but not totally impossible. You're right... if you take care of it right away, it should be fine.

yea i got extremely lucky with my electrical system... I guess the fact that i let it sit for a week and let it fully dry out helped, but i am expecting some sort of electrical failure over time..

I doubt it... it's been a while. If anything something would show up by now... if you would of dipped it on driver's side it might of been different.

Yea actually it was my drivers side that was totally under....all my fuses under the hood and in the cab and also my instrument cluster was under!!!

p.s. ive taken a look at your truck pics and they look good!! is all u have done to the 2nd gen sport?

as I remember pics of your truck submerged in water I think passanger side was a bit deeper... well, got to check them again...

as far as my 2nd gen Sport... all I've done to it so far:
KKM intake,
Torsion Twist front
replaced mono leaf with full pack plus AAL
31X10.5 tires (currently snow Yokohamas) on 15X8 rims
and that's pretty much it...

ohe yes! I installed additional cup holders in the back out of a Mercedes... well, for my kids and a protective barrier to keep my dog in the rear... she liked to wander all over the truck...

that's basically my wife's truck and she won't let me do anything else to it... unless I convince her that a particular mod is really necessary.

And I also have a push bar that will go on the truck including some serious lighting... 8" Bosch driving lights... oh yeah!

my 1st gen is the one that gets the most attention though...

I had the same car god karma with a buddy of mine.

Myself and about 13 other friends grabed our gear on a hot friday afternoon and took out, 8 off-road worth trucks, about 2 hours away from home to Hungry Valley OHV for a camping trip. We had the following on board: Explorer, Cherokee, F-150, Blazer, 2 Sierras, and 2 Rangers.

We got there and of course all the big camp sites were taking by the smallest groups, while we had 13 people.

So we unpack our stuff. Got the fire going and relaxed after the long haul through LA's finest friday afternoon traffic. Talked about plans for the morning. We decided we would head over to the 4x4 off-road practice area in the morning to mess around.

Later that night my buddy decided he wanted to find the mud pit in the 4x4 area. So him and another friend set off into the night in search of the pit. About a half an hour later i get a call. Hes stuck. So i grabbed my tow straps and off into the night me and another friend went. Luckly i had 2 ProComp 130 Watt driving lights to light up the scence when we got there.

My friend had tryed to drive in the jeep entrance, we called it because it was steep and deep. Lucky he was stuck on his running boards with just the bumper of the blazer in the water. His rear end was about 3 feet in the air. So we hooked him up and pulled him out and had a good laugh while other splashed in the mud with there trucks.

We went back to camp and laughed about it some more then went to sleep. We woke up the next morning a good breakfast in the dryest weather ever. Then we all decided to go to the spot where our friend with the blazer got stuck. My buddy and i leave early. He was in his ranger i was in my X.

We get there before everyone else and he takes his ranger straight into the pit. As i watched, he was doing fine in 4H and then all i see in the front end of the ranger take a dive for the worst. The front end of the ranger went completly under water. Then the worst part came. I watch him panic and throw it into reverse and listen to the engine suck in a mouth full of muddy water into her heart. That was the end for the 2001 4.0L V6. He had hydro-locked the right 3 cylinders.

We pulled the spark plugs and drained the oil. The oil didn't even look like oil, it looked like the stuff he had just driven through. We turned it over without the plugs and fresh oil. Then we drained the oil and replaced it with more fresh oil(trying to clean it out). Then got new plugs in her. No go. So we go to plan B. Keep in mind this is a 4 day old USED truck that he had just got and the fact that we are 2 hours away from home.

So plan B was to rent a trailer and tow it home. Non of us were 25 so that idea was dropped. So we called AAA and they sent us a tow truck, but they wouldnt drive into the park. So we had to tow it with tow straps to the front (About 5 miles). We put it on the back of the truck and I followed the truck to the nearest ford dealer where the new engine was put in for a nice small $6000!!! AHHH!!!

After all that we packed up and cut our loss' and journeyed home. 4 of the 8 cars that went needed new transmissions after that trip.

Hungry Valley is the right name for it, cause it was so hungry it ATE all our cars! :(

But this event was a learning expierence and hasn't stopped me from playing in the dirt!;)


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LMAO that story is funny, sounds like my disaster when i went through 3' of water in Silver lake badlands. I had luckily got the engine fired up, she ran fine afterwards, but i fried a transmission. I got Extended Ford Warranty to pay $2000 of work, lol I got lucky very lucky. But I know what it feels like to be in a situation like that, it truly does stink.
