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Driveshaft and Gear Questions


Moderator Emeritus
January 26, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Mechanicsville, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Acura TL
Hey! I haven't recently become unhappy with the rear end gears in my '00 Explorer 4wd XLT. It just seems so sluggish. Passing on the interstate is a feat in itself. But anyway, back to the reason, I am lifting mine soon and I know I need a new driveshaft for the front....I just don't know where to go. Someone told me I'll need a double cardon yoke, but I wasn't too sure. Also - I think I remember reading on the Trailmaster site (the same brand lift I'm using 98+ ranger lift) that they had new driveshafts for purchase. Anyone know anything? Also, back to the gears, after my Explorer is lifted, I am putting 33" super swamper SSRs on 15x8 Eagle Alloys 058 and I was wondering if I should regear it? Cause I'm positive 33's will slow me up, but I won't be going offroad hardly at all. Probably just throwing some mud around in fields after it rains or something. But please tell me anything you can. Thanks everyone in advance.

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for the 33's and the V6, you should regear to 4.56's is what everyone hear reccomends ( i would say 4.88's)

For the front driveshaft you can get the trailmaster or superlift DS for $500 or whatever they want or jsut call Tom Woods and he can get you a DC for about $299

Go with 4.88's...Don't waste your time and money on 4.56's with 33's UNLESS it will also be your daily driver. For off road only use I'd go with the 4.88's..I wish I would have. I've got 4.56's in my 94 and it's not a big change IMHO from 3.27's...I was expecting more...:(

Hope this helps


It is my daily driver. I think I might just leave them where they are since it's my daily driver and its not like i'll be climbing hills that steep or anything extreme. Thanks for the feed back and what about those driveshafts? Whats the number to call for Tom Woods?

Call Thurston Spring and ask them how much to extend a driveshaft. I would guess less than $100 from them.
