94 Explorer Battery Cable | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 Explorer Battery Cable


February 12, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Auburn NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT 4x4
Holy Cow! Who was the Brain Surgeon at Ford that Routed the Positive Battery Cable????
I just finished removing it, and wondered if it was run correctly to begin with.
It went from the Battery (Passenger Front) wrapped around the wiring bundle, down the passenger frame rail, THEN across the Cross member and grounded out on the drivers side of the transfer case???
What the hell were they thinking - must be 10 feet of wiring, could have been grounded at the frame rail, but NOOOO, they had to put some tabbed connector that splits off of it.
For those of you who have replaced your cables, Is this accurate?
Ironically my Negative cable look fine, but may replace it anyway, just because it's right there.

THanks for your input here.

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...I'm not sure on your pos cable but yes, go ahead and replace your negative cable...It is probably the most important cable on your vehicle and is probably corroded inside the sheathing...;)

Thankfully the negitive was a lot easier to remove. contact areas will be easy to clean for the negitive, but how can you clean the positive connection by the transfer case

Holy Cow! Who was the Brain Surgeon at Ford that Routed the Positive Battery Cable????
It went from the Battery (Passenger Front) wrapped around the wiring bundle, down the passenger frame rail, THEN across the Cross member and grounded out on the drivers side of the transfer case???

I think you found your problem...Your positive should NOT be grounded to the chassis.:thumbsup: :eek: :confused:


I had a total brain fart, forgot the starter. Positive was not grounded at all, just the two wires to the starter. No idea how it slipped my mind.

THanks for the reminder.
