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Brake light crisis.


Well-Known Member
January 26, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Eddie Bauer
After putting on a tow hitch on my X and attaching the Ford brake light harness, the UHaul people did some odd wiring job (I won't discuss it) and I towed the trailer down. The brake lights didn't work, but I figured it was the tow harness and let it go. Yes I know it's bad to tow all the way down California and not having brake lights, but I figured people would stay away from me.

Anyways, now the harness is off and the trailer is gone, but NONE of my brake lights work either. Everything else does. I checked every fuse I could find/think of that would be related to the brake lights, but I can't find anything. Is it really possible that all the bulbs burnt out? I haven't checked those quite yet, I figured I'd ask.

Thanks a lot guys.

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i bet their "odd wiring job" left you with cut or unconnected postive brake wires...where they were supposed to connect the postive wire for the harness......i'd pull off the tail light and have a look at the wires see if any are not connected.
also check the fuse, if a postive came off and "arched" it probably blew a fuse


yup, fuse and disco'ed wire were my suggestions.

When I meant odd wiring job,they only did it oddly to the actual wiring harness, once I pulled that off, I thought it would be okay. The Xs wiring is fine, they didn't touch that. And the fuses seem to be all fine, I checkthem again tomorrow and look for burnt out bulbs, but hopefully it's not deeper than that, because I really don't want to have to deal with it.


I jumped a car with a bad started or ignition coil and it sparked and arced. Found out later that both my tail/brakelight were out. But not the thrid (high mount)

After too much digging, I found out that both bulb went.

"It's always the simple, least expected things."
