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CD-Rs & CD-RWs


Elite Exploder
December 27, 2000
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2001, F150, XLT 4x4
I'm having problems with burning/ripping my own cds now adays.... I am using Memorex blanks cdr and cdrw and they sometimes arent playing in my cd player devices... My sister who knows about computers, says the Memorex ones just suck..... What brands of disk are good? is it better to get CD-R or CD-RW? I am not too worried about them being reusable, but I do want to use them in CD players.... I know that some ripped cds will not play in some players by design... Also, all my ripped cds are in audio format.....

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the only ones that consistently work for me are Verbatim.

I dunno about the rest of you but i rarely ever burn coasters no matter what im using. I generally use memorex cds and i havent had and trouble with them.

I use the rebate special! :D

Seriously, I don't think that I have used a name brand in a couple years, and I don't ever have problems using just noname, Office Depot, and CompUSA spindles. In fact, if the DVD player doesn't give a fit, then it's all good.

If you are not using the discs for re-writing, then only use CD R's, and not CDRW's. I have used everything from Memorex, No-name, BASF, to Maxell. They are pretty much all the same thing, it depends on the burner.

hmmmmm..... it works sometimes... thats the part i dont understand.... but sometimes it plays a song fine.... then 0 minutes later plays it all staticy, then wont locate songs at all... and it does it randomly..... i dont think my cd player is dirty or bad, as it plays store bought cds in the same disc position without a problem..... my burner is a CyberDrv CW078D CD-R/RW

I have found the CD burner has a lot to to with it. I had a yamaha and it sucked, now with my TDK...I haven't had a disc of any brand screw up yet. I agree with crank too...only use CDR's no CDRW's.

I work at Best Buy and what ever is on sale the cheapest is the best disk to use from what we have. Now there are some blanks like no name's w/ no labels. That can not work so good sometimes. but even with those I have had decent luck. I love Sony and Plextor burners.

hmmmmm... i think it was the cds... i just got back from safeway and got some tdk cdr discs... i burned myself a cd at 40x speed and it plays flawlessly in my sony stereo....

It depends on what kind of CD you are burning. If you are burning from MP3's to an audio CD then you need to write it no faster than 2x. I never could get a CD to play in my CD player until I started writing them at 2x. Never had a problem since. And brand names don't matter unless you want them to last long or not.

i only use the BLACK memorex cdr's. they never gave me a problem. but my CD player in the truck don't like the regular cdr's

The static sound = bad CDs.
I bought a 50 pack of TDK from Costco and 3 outta 4 did that. Got different CDs and never had that problem again.
Memorex are the only CDs I've used and never had a problem beit the regular or Black CDs

I think a year ago, Office Max offered a rebate on a 200-pack of CD-R's for free after rebate. Well, we got it and the rebate ($45) came back 4 months later.

I'm a Verbatim guy as well. Sams Club always has a pack of about 80 700MB disks with the slimcases for about $25. Excellent, excellent deal!


sams club..... is that walmart?

Originally posted by jimabena74
sams club..... is that walmart?

Sams Club is a store like Costco. They are located in the eastern half of the states though.

oh oh.... i was asking becuase at walmart, their in house brand is sam's choice.....

Originally posted by jimabena74
oh oh.... i was asking becuase at walmart, their in house brand is sam's choice.....

Walmart's founder is ....Sam Walton.

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i knew that.....
