E-brake ?, Sn95 Mustang to '93 Ranger rear disc swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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E-brake ?, Sn95 Mustang to '93 Ranger rear disc swap


Explorer Addict
June 21, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
North East New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 4dr. XLT SOHC A4WD
I've read all the threads I can find (here, Ranger Station, etc..), on the Mustang rear disc swap. They are pretty much all a copy of the one original thread. Every one is missing any details and pics of how to hook up the e-brake.

Can anybody provide instructions and/or pics?

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Really? Nobody? I thought many of you had done this swap?

Most just swap the whole axle out or use explorer second gen parts.not much benefits using sn95 over explorer besides the way the ebrake works.

I already have all the SN95 parts. I already have money invested in my Ranger 8.8 rear. (Mustang 31-spline cobra L/S, Moser 31 spline axles, not-that-old bearings,etc..). I didn't want to have to deal with the fab work to make the Explorer rear work. Mustang pads, rotors, and calipers are cheaper and are more common.

Oh, and I HATE the Explorer e-brake setup. I wouldn't subject myself to that if you gave me the parts for free, AND put them on.

I agree about the ebrake for sure!! Lol

I've read all the threads I can find (here, Ranger Station, etc..), on the Mustang rear disc swap. They are pretty much all a copy of the one original thread. Every one is missing any details and pics of how to hook up the e-brake.

Can anybody provide instructions and/or pics?

..I'm not sure what to say since ..

I've read all the threads I can find (here, Ranger Station, etc..),

..I know Rick, ScottB., Brian1, and several others have (including myself) have included pics and info to our e-brakes along with the 8.8 swaps we have done..

..I know they are not all as thoroughly dedicated to the ebrake as some others are but they also have a bit of variety on what parts were used, how they were executed, and even the final outcome..

..Some have creatively used first gen parts, some used second gen parts, some have used Wilwood parts, some volkswagen parts, while others have even just used turn buckles..

..Perhaps an idea of what exactly you are looking for may make it easier for others to point you in the right direction..

I know aftermarket e-brake as well as Wilwood e-brake kits have detailed information included in their packages..:dunno:

Edit:....Here is a quick link from TRF which has a good picture and info..;)

..I'm not sure what to say since ..

..I know Rick, ScottB., Brian1, and several others have (including myself) have included pics and info to our e-brakes along with the 8.8 swaps we have done..

..I know they are not all as thoroughly dedicated to the ebrake as some others are but they also have a bit of variety on what parts were used, how they were executed, and even the final outcome..

..Some have creatively used first gen parts, some used second gen parts, some have used Wilwood parts, some volkswagen parts, while others have even just used turn buckles..

..Perhaps an idea of what exactly you are looking for may make it easier for others to point you in the right direction..

I know aftermarket e-brake as well as Wilwood e-brake kits have detailed information included in their packages..:dunno:
Well, I didn't say I read all the threads that may contain a snippet or two of relevant info. I didn't spend hours upon hours trying to find a few posts within otherwise unrelated threads.

I was, basically, just looking for the "missing" picture, that shows how to easily make the stock Ranger e-brake cables work.

I actually found it a few minutes ago. (pages 23 &24 )



They were, in fact, in one of the very threads I said didn't have them. Unfortunately, they were buried 23 pages deep, in a 35 page thread, hidden amongst an avalanche of stupid questions/comments. That seems to be a common problem with "how-to" threads", here, and everywhere else. They aren't maintained, with "stupid", duplicate, and/or totally off-topic "noob" garbage allowed to accumulate until it becomes virtually unreadable.

Any way, that's exactly what I needed; just a picture to go with the words. Now, I see how it works.

If you guys have alternative methods, please feel free to post descriptions and pictures. Maybe this thread can be a useful repository of various methods of hooking up the SN95 e-brakes?

I must have been typing while you were editing. Thanks for the link. I only wish Google could have found that days ago......... I've never heard of that particular forum. Interesting.....


..I think the edit I had posted (earlier within a one page thread on another Forum) should prove to be quite useful to others that are looking for the same info in the future..:D

I must have been typing while you were editing. Thanks for the link. I only wish Google could have found that days ago......... I've never heard of that particular forum. Interesting.....

..Just like here...Google is all about "how" you ask the question..:biggthump

The more I look at those pics, the more I think I will use steel instead (stainless if I can get it). In the pics in the thread you linked, it looks like the copper is starting to "mushroom"; which makes sense given how soft it is. It may work for a while, or as a "prototype", but I think that, over time, it could end up getting "smushed" shorter. Or, I suppose you could add "piece of scrap copper pipe" to the list of things to change during routine brake jobs?

One thing I am still a little perplexed by: How are they getting that washer on, over the cable end? Is it a split washer?
