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I want a new car!!!!

I agree with Nick. He needs to get the fastest car he can afford and I think Mommy and Daddy need to co-sign so they are held financially resposible for when Nick smashes his car and raps it around a tree when he is trying to show off to some girls that think he's a dork but are teasing him and his hormones take over and he can't control himself. Good luck with your purchase Nick!

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Sounds like you mean the best of luck for me on getting the car


It seems like the opinion of the board is NOT to get a new car. Every one is saying save it and get your priorities straight, get ready for college. When can I start to save for a car? After college you might have a wife, house payment, children and a lot of other money consuming things. I figure this may be the only time to get the car so I want to seize the moment. I don't want used because you never know what happened to the car before it was in your hands. Was the oil changed every 3,000 miles, was all the maintenance always done on schedule, Has he ran it against a curb?

- Every one has a V6 mustang mostly women I want to stand out and have something different.

Well if you want to stand out and be different. KEEP YOUR Explorer! Add some nice tires and wheels, put a mean stereo in it and maybe get a really nice paint job, and you wouldn't have spent half as much money on that, to make it look good then you would ona new car.
Just my extrypeso. ;)

Nick, I understand what you're going through. The high school I went to was filled with rich kids. They drive Lexus ES300, Benz E420, SLK, EXPLORER EB or Limited, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Land Rover Discovery, '98-up Honda Accord, etc... But there are also a large amount of students driving cars that they actually worked their ***** off and bought their own because their parents want to teach them responsiblities.

I admit, I'm one of the lucky ones, my parents gave me a '98 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited when I got my license back in '98, so I shouldn't be talking about kids working their ***** off and buying their own car. But I worked my ass off during my high school years, not working working but working in terms of studying, keeping my grades up, etc... My parents went the extra mile by paying everything so I get the time to do a whole lot of studying, but in the mean time, have fun with my friends and spending time with my girlfriend (back then). I did what my parents wanted me to do...to graduate with honors and within the top 5% of class. I succeeded that. So they were extremely happy about that.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that if you want a better car just to attract the girls, I wouldn't recommand it because a lot of girls like you as who you are, and not by what kind of car you drive. If they like you because of what kind of car you drive, they don't like you at all, they like the money you have. Plus, you're paying for it anyway. I would just save the money and use whatever's available during your college years, as emergencies. I know you'll need it because I'm in college right now. But if you still want to get a new car, pick one that you'll want to drive for many years. Good luck!!!

P.S. Ray, that's a very good idea. I would do that if I have the '94.

Originally posted by TarHeel085
all i gotta say is CHEVY IS TRASH, get another Sport but newer.

Not really. I am a chevy guy myself even though I drive a Ford. Oh yeah, I will never buy ford again. The only chevy I think that is garbage is the blazer. The tahoe is very nice and the CORVETTE is just a vicious sports car. Also I think the Camaro SS is pretty mean looking to.

Originally posted by Nick K
. . . I figure this may be the only time to get the car so I want to seize the moment. . . .

- Every one has a V6 mustang mostly women I want to stand out and have something different.

That is the luxury most of the people that have responded have and you don't (experience). You see most of us have been in the same situation of being young and wanting something new because it is the "cool" thing to do. It is only once you are older that you realize how foolish that kind of thinking is. You're not old enough to think like that, but eventually you will be (some people take longer than others). Everything may go smoothly, you wind up with a V6 Camaro, put all of the hop-up parts on it, spend a small fortune getting it just the way you want it and then something happens (or changes). You loose your job, you have a falling out with your parents who decide to stop paying for college, you decide you want a newer car again, you wreck your car, whatever, you name it. 16 going on 17 is too young to be locked into car payments. Since the only way for you to get a loan is if your parents co-sign if times get tough and you can't make a payment what happens? Are your parents willing to make the payments for you? Will they let you keep the car that has their name on the title? Far too many things can go wrong and your parents will be the ones held responsible. Personally, I think the best time to buy new is a year into a new job after college. That is what I did, I was single and had a good paying job. I still had plenty of money left over for fun and had the vehicle I really wanted. Sure, you might be married with children (wasn't that a movie?) when you get out of college, but then again you might not. If you are that is another discussion alltogether. But then again, everything might work out for the best. Just realize what you want now will probably change in a few months.

Regarding wanting to "stand out" with something different; a '94 Explorer with 6" of lift and 33" tires will stand out a lot more than a V6 Camaro. Besides if you are maried with children when you get out of college, you certainly won't be wanting your Camaro anyways so you'll still be looking for a new vehicle, probably an Explorer:)

Putting a Supercharger on a new car voids your warranty as well. Plus you'll wear it out faster. Also consider this...Your parents, or any parents are not likely to buy their college grad. another car. After college you're on your own. Are you gonna want a six year old v-6 Camero that's buring oil so badly (thank you supercharger) that it can't pass smog when you enter the 'real' world? Buy a used v8 Camaro that's a coupla years old. Buy it from the dealer, get a warranty and don't pour too much money into it. Does this sound familiar?
Camaro for sale. Tons of Mods, never raced, Too much to list, 10k invested, must sell, $6500.

My .02 cents.


Hey... since you mention u will make the camero look like an SS that is straigh poser, if you want an SS get the real thing.. or trust me,, u start putting SS stickers on your V6'er and people beat u and then they find out you gots an 6 banger.... you be an joke man, dont joke your self!!.

also you ar 16yrs old... insurance will be high stake for you. its an sports car. if you want an sports car look in to Acura or Honda. There great on gas and very fast rides. My acura also will blow the doors off an new v6 camero.... espically on take off or 1/4 run.

U need to get an great gas saver. U are an student. and I am sure you rally cant pay the bills. but I also know how some parents are and they spoil there kids rotten and get them everything. Just by experience.,,,, if you dont want the Explorer. I will trade you my Integra for it. ;)

He's right you will be a total poser. Here's an insurance example for ya. When I was 20, not 16 my insurance on my 2000 sport was $330 a month, then I found the cheapest I could get and it was still $285 a month on top of a $413 a month vehicle payment, on top of $861 a month for rent! Now your camaro is gonna run you if you're buying it around I would just guess $250-$400 a month on payments for a few years and I don't even want to know what insurance is gonna cost ya. That means you're locked into a job and you're gonna have to make at least that much just to pay for your ride. Kiss partying in College and High School good bye, unless of course your parents will pick up the tab on that as well then I say get an SS or a Mustang Cobra and go all out, I would if it was free. I'm also gonna lay down a bet saying that, going on your reasons for getting it, you will total it within 6 months showing off or get it impounded for racing. Any takers?

Not to lecture any more but what kind of chics do you go to school with? Man where I grew up a nice 79-94 pickup would get chics. We would just take em wheeling with us, get stuck in the mud, have them help push or whatever and then they would just sit around in their underwear so they wouldn't get the truck dirty. I drove an orange 79 F-150 for a while and it was a magnet man, seriously.

I gotta say, when I first posted this thread I was 90% convinced I was going to get a V-6 Camaro. Now that I see what ever ones response is Im like 25%. OK fine new car out, explorer in. How much is the 98 face lift going to cut me back and do they have suitable bumper for it?

I don't really say not to get it, well yes I do but just the V-6, they lick.

I know V-6 is not that fast but there is no way I can afford the insurance on a GT or Z28. A supercharged V-6 would be pretty quick. You would be pushing 300 HP

Originally posted by Nick K
How much is the 98 face lift going to cut me back ?

you can get everything but the headlights from perrys for about $600. then it has to be painted (but you probably want a new paintjob anyway). it's a lot cheaper than getting a new car.

Originally posted by Nick K
I know V-6 is not that fast but there is no way I can afford the insurance on a GT or Z28. A supercharged V-6 would be pretty quick. You would be pushing 300 HP
300hp in a supercharged V-6 camaro. No way. I dont think that it would even come close to 300. Whats the stock HP anyway?? 200???

it's possible...

but you cant expect to just bolt on a supercharger and get 300hp. you have to change a lot of stuff (fuel lines, fuel pump, pistons, rods, etc...) to make it happen.

i have a dodge daytona turbo 2.2L (4cyl). the regular 2.2 (without turbocharger) puts out 94hp. the turbo on mine steps it up to 226 hp. Forward Motion makes a turbocharger that would bring it up to 525+hp. but there are a lot of differences between my 2.2 and a base 2.2. and if i wanted the 525hp, i would need to spend a LOT of $$$ (but that's just crazy oin such a light little car, i would only be able to drive straight)

and if you want a supercharged 300hp V-6, you will need to do a lot of work to that base V-6

Not to mention the upkeep of those high horsepower motors. A little too high reving one night, throw a rod, break a gear,...... you see where this is going.
I'm 36 and my Explorer is a 1991 with 180,000 miles. She might be 10 years old(which still isn't old to me), but with the care and constant maintenance I provide, she'll keep looking new for years to come. You want a vehicle that stands out?.. How about a LIFTED Explorer? Looks good, easy on the insurance and with the boards help(here), easy to repair. Ok, so it can't do 2 minute burnouts(not mine anyways :)) or kill someone in the 1/4, but it can haul quite a few gals around in it and look good while doing it. Plus, who do you think the cops will be closely watching? You in your Explorer or that guys reving the motor in his 'new' sportcar?

Ask yourself this..Who are you buying the car for? You.... or the people at your school.
Just think before you decide, you've got plenty of time, don't rush it. Enjoy no car payments. While those other beanheads are slaving away at the Burger-Barn to pay for their 'flashy' car, you'll be out at the movies with your gal sharing some popcorn. And after the prom, the high school crowd is gone, will that car still mean the same? My guess is, it won't. Good luck.

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hey man i totally understand your predicament.. put aside what everyone has been yelling at you about here. when i was sixteen i got a 93 explorer which my parents gave me..now i say they gave me but i did work for it by holding a steady job, doing well in school and doing things around the house like mowing the fields and such. im not going to lecture you on that. but one thing to consider is the pros and cons of owning a truck and the pros and cons of owning a camero.. remember ur not going to be able to go everywhere like u used to with ur truck. also if it snows u cant drive in a camaro..ive gone through the same thing with my 98 which i want to trade in becasue ive got 92000 miles on it. i considered a mustang but im thinking towards an f150 because ill be able to do things with it that no car can do. by the way my explorer is av8 and the power from the v8 is great. i know its not ridicoulsly fast but ive learned that u dont need to haul ass because all thats gonna get u is a speeding ticket...i have plenty... this is just my opinion but lay out the pros and cons and wait a while and see how u feel...good luck
