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Job Search for our EF Members...

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...Here are a couple more for replying back so quickly..Good luck on your search..:D

ah, Newton Memorial and the St. Barnabus network. I've had them both bookmarked for about a year.
Thanks again.
The big problem I've run into, is that these hospitals' HR dept. just seem to be a big black hole where resumes go to disappear and never be heard from again. They all want online submissions only, and then when you call to follow up , it's the old "don't call us, we'll call you if we are interested". I submitted, I would guess, over 100 resumes/applications between August and October. Never heard from a single one. NO, it's not that my resume sucks ( I don't think?) I've heard from many other people who have the same experience. They just have so many people to choose from, that they know they are in complete control. It's def. a "buyer's" market.

Xray, it seems, is a very "strange" world. Lots of nepotism, especially given the current economy. If you don't already know someone on the inside, you're chance of getting in very small.

1) Your Location:
Bensalem, PA

2) Where you would travel or move to work:
Can travel but cant move since i will be going to school.

3) Availability to relocate or travel for work:
Can travel up to 25 miles but cannot move

4) Part Time or Full Time needed:
I would like a part time but full time can be done

5) Type of main job you are looking for:
Automotive related since i will be going to school to finish my ASE certs.

6) Alternative jobs you would take:
Anything mechanical

7) Minimum pay you would need:
11 dollars an hour. Just need something to supplement my GI bill.

8) What tools or work related materials do you have to bring to the job:
I have been a mechanic since i was 17 and have all of the tools to go along with the job. I have worked on everything from Diesel to Jet turbine and am very good with wiring and troubleshooting. I worked on just about every diagnostic system on the market along with many types of computer tuning software. I learn new materal very quickly and am a hard worker.

9) Your contact E-mail or other source of contact (links, etc.): or once contacted i can present my resume for a possible interview.

10) Add brief description/explanation here:
I have been in the Army for the last 4 years and will be getting out into the civilian market. I want to acustome myself to civilian life and show a future employer my dedication to my Job and work. In all reality i just want to get into a normal working enviroment where i can market myself.


...jonlax, when will you be available for employment stateside?

...For all those in the technology field and also for those who have an active security clearance, check out

...jonlax, when will you be available for employment stateside?

...For all those in the technology field and also for those who have an active security clearance, check out

My last day in the Army is February 28th but cant start work till the 10 of march. Also thanks for the security clearance job list. I had one but most of the jobs are in the DC area. BTW i hold a Top Secret clearance if anyone knows of anything.

1) Your Location:
Pomona, CA

2) Where you would travel or move to work:
Anywhere within a reasonable drive of Pomona.

3) Availability to relocate or travel for work:
Not willing to relocate because of school.

4) Part Time or Full Time needed:
Part time.

5) Type of main job you are looking for:
Relating to my field of Mechanical Engineering that I am currently studying at Cal Poly Pomona (automotive, off-road, something with moving parts, Solid Works, 3D CAD modeling, etc.)

6) Alternative jobs you would take:
Anything to gain experience.

7) Minimum pay you would need:
Minimum wage.

8) What tools or work related materials do you have to bring to the job:
My tools I carry in my truck or I can get some things within reason.

9) Your contact E-mail or other source of contact (links, etc.):
E-mail: or

10) Add brief description/explanation here:
I'm attending Cal Poly Pomona and studying Mechanical Engineering and looking for work to gain experience in this field and/or any other work. I am an active member and seat designer of the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Mini Baja team this year and more details on the team are in the sticky above this thread.

Just got a Job as a parts mananger!

I go for my physical and urine test february 28th and as long as i pass which i will i am hired!

thanks for the thread,


...The Southwest is still pretty bleak for finding a new job...Cost of living tends to be higher too...

...If you take a minute and fill out in form like the others here have (see first post), someone on the net may see your info and and may be able to find you something in the time frame that you should be arriving...:dunno:

Things are really picking up in the last week or so actually. A lot of jobs being posted.:thumbsup: In fact, I have two job interviws tomorrow:D

...I hope you land the best on Stic-o and Good Luck on your interviews...:biggthump

I hope the same for you Stic. Hopefully you wont have to sell the X....

Things are really picking up in the last week or so actually. A lot of jobs being posted.:thumbsup: In fact, I have two job interviws tomorrow:D

Good luck!

I agree with grant00, it would be a shame to sell the JP Mobile! That thing's an icon! Best of luck to you, Stic-o!

Thanks Guys...

To bad I don't want to move to washington, "Randy's Ring and Pinion" is looking for a buyer:(

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