Milestar A/T tires? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Milestar A/T tires?

Anyone have any experience with the Patagonia A/Ts from Milestar? Thinking about getting a set of 265/70R17 tread to replace the 245/65R17 Bridgestones that are on my '05 Eddie Bauer. (I'm assuming the 265/70 is still the biggest an Expo can use without a lift.) They've had good reviews on them and seem to be a pretty decent tire for the price ($94.00 each).

Not looking to go rockclimbing or anything. Just a good all-around tire for less than $100 a piece. Thanks for the replies!

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Heard of them, but I stay away from the China tires. I just put a set of Goodyear Wrangler ATS on my 03 for $110/ tire out the door with tax for P265/70/17. They leave a tiny bit of clearance between the sidewall and upper control arm. So $440 mounted balanced taxed and installed. Not a whole lot more than those AT tires and these are made in North America. The only two things I have noticed that I am not extremely happy with are the tire noise and the UTQG on treadwear is 360. Most fancy tires (read $$$$) have a treadwear rating of 600 or more. But I also paid half as much so no genuine complaints here.

Have run them in ice, snow, packed snow, packed snow with glare ice, mud, giant puddles and dry. I am thoroughly happy with their performance, they stick very well. Do they grip as well as my Michelin LTX? No. Are they as quiet as the LTX? No. Will they last as long as the LTX? Probably not. Were they a good deal? At this point yes. As long as they don't become too unpredictable with wear I will replace these with another set provided these reach 30,000 mi. Price per mile would be roughly the same as the LTX as I see 60,000mi or more out of them.

Thanks for the reply, Ky! That's not a bad price for Goodyear's. Since my first post, the Milestars went up in price, to $102 a piece. I've since been looking at Atturo Trail Blade A/T's. Seem to be a popular tire with the dirt racing crowd and four wheelers. Price is around $97 each. Might start checking on the Goodyears as well, thanks to your suggestion.

Just thought of another one. Nokian makes the Rotiiva AT and I saw sets of 4 going for a little over $400. They are not US but nonetheless, may be worth a look too. Good luck!


Appreciate the info, Toy!

If you got the Generals for that ending price, you got a great deal on some great tires :thumbsup:

If you got the Generals for that ending price, you got a great deal on some great tires :thumbsup:

Too late! Sold for $502.00. That's okay. Lots of deals out there to be had.
