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Mustang 911


Wannabe "Elite Explorer"<br>sXc Member
July 25, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Montgomery/Auburn, Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT
Sorry if this doesnt count as an explorer 911 but my roommate and I are trying to get his aftermarket gauges on his mustang installed. Does anyone know which wire to splice into for the power. I know on our explorers it is the black with white stripe going into the headlight switch. Any info. on the mustang wire. While I am at it where should I ground the black wire. Thanks for your help.

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Year would help.. You can't find a Mustang wiring diagram anywhere?

Sorry 98...nah I have tried searching a few different places. I have narrowed it down to three wires. The 2001 wire is a thick brown wire. And he also has the black and white wire like ours...only he has two.

You say for power, why not just check the 3 wires for power?

Originally posted by Robb
Ya'll are doing this without a multi-meter or test light?
Yep didnt need one for mine. Thought maybe someone would know which wire....Oh well we will figure it out. Thanks anyway.

you could do that but i myself would just hook up a switch so you could have them on/off whenever you wanted

Just FYI...We decided to connect the power wire to the headlight fuse. Really easy and easy to remove if he decides to take them out. Works well and thanks for the help.
