Trouble codes after engine building! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trouble codes after engine building!


September 2, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
Whittier, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 ranger xlt. 4.0 OHV
Hey everyone, so I have a little bit of a problem. Recently I pulled out my 99 4.0 cologne ohv and rebuilt using 422 comp can, different lifters, ect ect. Anyways the build went fine and we installed back into the truck. Connected all the wiring harness back to the 5R55e trans. Well I've driven it for two days now and codes P1746 (EPC solenoid open circle), p0713 (Tran fluid temp sens ckt high input), p0174 (system too lean bank 2), and p0171 ( system too lean bank 1) popped up. I had p0171 before we did the build and did everything possible to fix it and finally ended up rebuilt the engine because we thought it was a compression issue and turned out my heads were cracked. But now everything is put back together and all of these are popping up. Im convinced it cant be related to the engine rebuild though. Maybe just installing harness wrong or split wire somewhere? The exhaust cross pipe was sitting out side with the pre cat 02 sensors still in it so I will be replacing both banks today. Also my buddy didn' secure the bank 2 02 sensors correctly and the exhaust manifold seems to have melted the connectors together :mad:. Anyways if anyone has any suggestions please chip in. I definitely do not want to kill this brand new engine :'(

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Fix the O2s and reset the ecm..double check for exhaust leaks also..still have cats??

Sounds good I'll try it and yea I had 4 but chopped 2 and kept the other just so I wouldn't have to dirty smog the time. Think I'll need to just delete em?

Sounds good I'll try it and yea I had 4 but chopped 2 and kept the other just so I wouldn't have to dirty smog the time. Think I'll need to just delete em?
If you delete them the O2s will throw codes

Hmm but then why wouldn't both lean codes pop up back when I actually chopped em? They were the two front cats after the upstream 02's there is still the downstream 02 in between my other two cats. But that downstream cat isn't sending a code? Or does that not matter at all?

Hmm but then why wouldn't both lean codes pop up back when I actually chopped em? They were the two front cats after the upstream 02's there is still the downstream 02 in between my other two cats. But that downstream cat isn't sending a code? Or does that not matter at all?
I was saying if you delete all of them it will throw codes

Ah gotcha. Well 02 sensors ordered and its to late to go to a scrap yard for the connector right now. Guess I'm waiting few days v.v

The 171/174 is for a lean condition. It's either a vacuum leak or weak fuel delivery (pump/filter). The other trans codes are a bad connection somewhere. Recheck the trans plugs and make sure no pins backed out.

Check fuel trims at idle and then 2k rpm. Freeze frame data on one of the lean codes to see conditions when it was set

Sooo good-ISH news. Went to pick up 02 sensors and my fuel pump left me stranded on the side of the road. So I'm hoping the new quantum 255 lph pump I ordered comes in tomorrow or tuesday :/ maybe that is why I was getting a lean code on both sensors. Pump wasn' working correctly? Think its a possibility? Also if I am changing to a higher rate fuel pump would I need to get a different fuel pressure regulate? Sorry ahead of time BTW I don' know much about mechanics.

Sooo good-ISH news. Went to pick up 02 sensors and my fuel pump left me stranded on the side of the road. So I'm hoping the new quantum 255 lph pump I ordered comes in tomorrow or tuesday :/ maybe that is why I was getting a lean code on both sensors. Pump wasn' working correctly? Think its a possibility? Also if I am changing to a higher rate fuel pump would I need to get a different fuel pressure regulate? Sorry ahead of time BTW I don' know much about mechanics.
Sounds like the issue. .no nothing needs to be changed when replacimg the pump

Alright guys so I changed everything and reset the codes. I'e put 500 more miles on and nothing had popped up!!! All the sudden engine line shows up today and its saying system is lean bank 1 and 2 :/ so that would be aiming toward the fuel delivery system no?
