where to find a/c recharge kit that will fit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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where to find a/c recharge kit that will fit?


July 24, 2014
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City, State
Plano, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 ford explorer
My daughter's 1998 Explorer's A/C compressor is cycling a bit. The air is still cool but
should be colder. I went to add freon and found that the charging ports are smaller
than the "standard" size. The ports on my 2000 ford truck and my wife's 2002 Explorer
are what must be consider the "standard" size. The ports are not screw-on but snap on like the other cars. The label under the hood calls out for 134a so that isn't the issue.
I tried to search for these odd sized ports but can't find anything. Anyone know where to look for something like this? Am I missing something?



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I am just trying to help and I am sure you know the charging port is on the low pressure side on top of the accumulator on the passenger side. If yours is not standard size, something is not right. I do not remember if the R-12 connections were like, maybe someone put in an R-12 accumulator?

My daughter's 1998 Explorer's A/C compressor is cycling a bit. The air is still cool but
should be colder. I went to add freon and found that the charging ports are smaller
than the "standard" size. The ports on my 2000 ford truck and my wife's 2002 Explorer
are what must be consider the "standard" size. The ports are not screw-on but snap on like the other cars. The label under the hood calls out for 134a so that isn't the issue.
I tried to search for these odd sized ports but can't find anything. Anyone know where to look for something like this? Am I missing something?



The system has a leak, or it would not be cycling. Toping it up is not a solution until the leak is fixed

The system has a leak, or it would not be cycling. Toping it up is not a solution until the leak is fixed

True, but untill I can connect my gauges to system I can't put in dye and/or sealer so I still need to find the correct fittings.

True, but untill I can connect my gauges to system I can't put in dye and/or sealer so I still need to find the correct fittings.

Post some pics of these fittings..

I am just trying to help and I am sure you know the charging port is on the low pressure side on top of the accumulator on the passenger side. If yours is not standard size, something is not right. I do not remember if the R-12 connections were like, maybe someone put in an R-12 accumulator?

All the R-12 connections I have seen have had a screw on port. There is a label on the frame of the Explorer that states that it is 134a too.
Yes, I know the low pressure vs the high pressure ports. One can never be warned too often about there difference.
I used a caliper to measure the fittings. It is why I can say they are about a tenth of an inch smaller in diameter than the "standard" fittings.
Maybe it came from Canada? Anyone?

A picture would be helpful.

R134 refrigerent takes the same fittings in US and Canada. I would say world wide they're probably standard. The charge ports are snap on with an o-ring seal. The kit I purchased at Walmart fit perfectly on my 98.

I think you need to try again.

R134 refrigerent takes the same fittings in US and Canada. I would say world wide they're probably standard. The charge ports are snap on with an o-ring seal. The kit I purchased at Walmart fit perfectly on my 98.

I think you need to try again.

Interesting that no one believes that I could possibly have measured it correctly and that it is smaller than the "standard" fittings. This in spite of my background in experimental physics, machining, and mechanics. That being said, I think that a 98 normally has the "standard" fittings so that at some point in this trucks past ( I did buy it used ) it had some sort of refit with something odd.
I truly was hoping to get actual support from a support forum.

I am just trying to help and I am sure you know the charging port is on the low pressure side on top of the accumulator on the passenger side. If yours is not standard size, something is not right. I do not remember if the R-12 connections were like, maybe someone put in an R-12 accumulator?

Even though the R-12 ports I've seen were screw type, the later ones may have changed. I'll see what I can find out. Good idea, thanks.

Seeing as how you and I live in the same town, and I just recharged my AC a few months ago (also a '98) with a regular kit I got at AutoZone, I'd be willing for you to take a look at the fitting on mine to see if yours are different.

Chef Duane

Are you sure you aren't trying to attach it to the EVAP test port?

R134 uses standard fittings on all years and makes but the low and hi side are different quick connects. R12 are pretty much standard as well but use external thread dust caps.

Here's a thought: 134 uses an internal threaded dust cap and I've seen them break off and by looking at it you would think all is well but the quick connect won't attach until you get the piece out (usually a small jewelers screwdriver will work).


Seeing as how you and I live in the same town, and I just recharged my AC a few months ago (also a '98) with a regular kit I got at AutoZone, I'd be willing for you to take a look at the fitting on mine to see if yours are different.

Chef Duane

I'm gearing up for a trip. When I get back in a week, if I haven't figured this out I would be very grateful to check out the fittings on your 98 and bring my 98 to see how they compare.


Are you sure you aren't trying to attach it to the EVAP test port?

R134 uses standard fittings on all years and makes but the low and hi side are different quick connects. R12 are pretty much standard as well but use external thread dust caps.

Here's a thought: 134 uses an internal threaded dust cap and I've seen them break off and by looking at it you would think all is well but the quick connect won't attach until you get the piece out (usually a small jewelers screwdriver will work).


I'm pretty sure they don't have the dust caps on but I'll certainly check. I'll also check to make sure it is not a test port. If it was just the low side that is smaller, I'd think it might be the wrong port but the high side is smaller too.

Well, the content of the responses to my post lead me to believe that the charge ports are not normal. It explains the lack of information on the web. I will probably have to change them out at some point to solve this. Thanks for the information.

The rules I see for posting say that I cannot post attachments. Doesn't that mean that I can't post pics?

Just load the pic to photobucket and use the link to put in your post.

I'm pretty sure they don't have the dust caps on but I'll certainly check. I'll also check to make sure it is not a test port. If it was just the low side that is smaller, I'd think it might be the wrong port but the high side is smaller too.

The dust cap may come off but part of it can remain inside the fitting- and unless you are looking for it you will never know the piece is stuck in there and the connector won't attach. Drove me nuts


The rules I see for posting say that I cannot post attachments. Doesn't that mean that I can't post pics?

Were you able to take a photo?

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