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hoping to find a cure

im thinking on switching out to a 2wd ranger front end. seems like there less problems when gettin bagged. when i get rid of my awd setup.......

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the 98+ 2WD rangers are coils

When the EDGE came out, was when the 2WD had torsion bars, but only the EDGE

here is a pic of our 98 ranger 2WD


i had the T bars on my ranger. i know for a fact that i did. maybee a few went out with it, i have no idea. but i bought it new from dealer.

fordX302 said:
im thinking on switching out to a 2wd ranger front end. seems like there less problems when gettin bagged. when i get rid of my awd setup.......
have fun cutting the spring pockets into the frame, seriouly though the tbar is kinda simple to bag with out AWD. i thought you were keeping the awd this whole time. all you do it cut off the shock wount weld in some bag brackets and relocate the shocks, easy as that.

ok 98+ 2wd rangers have coil springs they make upper and lower drop arms the spring cup does not lower the truck on the lower arms the balljoint is higher up to raise the spindle. the edge rangers have torsion bars and are 2wd and the 4wd 98+ rangers have torsion bars. if ur bagging ur x and ditching the awd go mustang 2 drop spindles and make arms or just get a m2 front setup. also they dont make drop spindles for rangers. and also somebody else tryed mosiying the djm ranger drop arms for a ranger and they did not work. if anybody needs pics of a x with torsion bars bagged hit me up on aim slammed x on air i got pics.

ok problem is now solved. i went to a metal fab. local in my area. he does custom work on old classic's, and custum work. as far as awd. he is making me a custom driveshaft, shorter to my drop spec. from the tranny tail to the rear. with a slip yoke. ditching the awd t-case front diff and shaft's. i have 2 options... he can lenthin my uperr control arms about an inch, to correct camber issues when ridin low on air. or make tubular arms. complete. also some talk about custom lower's with bag pockets... and he pointed me in a direction of his son;s shop, where he can get me a good price on a 1.5 factory floor body drop...... i called them, he is gettin back with me on the price..... hopefully this will all go smoothly.,.. anyone need AWD parts? lol PM me.

a 1.5 inch stock floor body drop is kinda pointless and i bet all there gona do is take out the body mounts. also go with tubular arms thats gona be ur best bet and make sure theres a flat bag plate oacross the lower arm not a cup its easier that way and less likely to rub anything

im with slammed on the bodydrop , get the frame on the ground fist the worry about the body drop, you will end up spending alot more moeny on the laying frame side and have it really be worth it. he can get the parts to convert your tranny to 2wd, it has to be completly torndown and rebuilt, and your going to need 2wd spindles and brakes, and i too would go with the tubular arms, infact i may get a set after i see yours

as far as the trannie goes... he doesnt have to rebuild anything. just eliminate the r=tranny. he had it on the lift and was explaining shyt to me. yea im set on the tube arms... and he said the same thing about the plate. the cups make it a bit mor diffacult. he priced me the arms between 200 n 300. depending on the exact layout.600 for top and bottom. but it sounds like a decent price for new arms.... droppin MOOG joints in there. we shall see where this ends up.

ya that sounds like a decent price for 1 off arms. if i were you i would get mustang ii 2 inch drop spindles and have the arms made for those you will have great camber. he'll just have to make new brackets on the frame which isnt a big deal. also if u wana save money in the long run and you know your gona body drop it just build a frame to stock floor body drop it. its alot cleaner looking and youll save money.
