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teardrop questions

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Well I think I have done something wrong :(

I'm running a 35-12.5 MT on a 7" wide tear drop EB rim, and only with 10-12lbs of air pressure, in any case this will priobably cause me to roll.

I'm gonna go call my layer, cause not only are these over sized but I got the tires mounted at Firestone!


Jeff - :navajo:

Well I think I have done something wrong :(

I'm running a 35-12.5 MT on a 7" wide tear drop EB rim, and only with 10-12lbs of air pressure, in any case this will priobably cause me to roll.

I'm gonna go call my layer, cause not only are these over sized but I got the tires mounted at Firestone!

Jeff - :navajo:


You guys are lovin this, aren't ya?
I love that st btw.

If you want to shell out the money for new rims, buy new rims, you don't need them, but if you feel more "comfortable" with them, go ahead. The tire will not pop a bead with the 15x7's unless you are running really really low air pressure on the street take a corner to hard and cause the tire to roll over the bead. My truck gets driven hard, corners as fast as I can handle them, etc. I am running about 30-32 psi front and rear with NO, ZERO, issues AT ALL!!! The only rubbing is on the drivers side front, i slightly rub the sway bar. All it does is keep the sway bar nice and polished. Ranger FX4 LVII wheels are 15x7 and guess what size/brand tire they came from the FACTORY with... Yup, 31-10.50R15 BFG ATs... If the factory uses the 15x7 with 31's then it must work...


lol, i knew about the FX4, didn't know of the rim though, thx for the info

Worst that can happen with 15x7 wheels and 31s? Hmm, maybe if you ran over a sleeping Polar Bear. I mean of course this is assuming that you (still) have Polar Bears in Fairbanks. I like Polar Bears though so try not to run over them. I mean, I'd rock a Polar Bear.. hang out with him n stuff, that'd pwn. Oh man that Polar Bear and I would get so wasted. We'd probably play the Wii all day and not even like go to school or anything. (>O ,O)>

I guess nothing too terrible could possibly happen with 15x7 wheels and 31s - just keep them properly inflated, and watch out for the Polar Bears.

Dude...There is no f-ing way you are hanging out with that polar bear alone. You got 3 wii controllers? Let me know when he is there....otherwise I'm stabbing you.

