Suggested gear ratio? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Suggested gear ratio?


Well-Known Member
August 24, 2007
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City, State
Gouverneur, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Ok, so I just had my 97XLT lifted 3 inches plus shackles and a tosion twist and I installed some 33"
I'm wondering, what is the stock gear ratio?

and.. what would be a suggested gear ratio to go to for more poower?

ALSO, where would I go to buy something like this? haha

any help/suggestions would be useful! thanks!

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What is your current gear ratio?

the stock gear ratio is different depending on the vehicle. You have to check either the tag on your rear axle or on the driver side door jam and get the axle code.

do a search for "axle code" and youll find hundreds of hits for it so you can look up what your code means.

the stock gear ratio is different depending on the vehicle. You have to check either the tag on your rear axle or on the driver side door jam and get the axle code.

do a search for "axle code" and youll find hundreds of hits for it so you can look up what your code means.

I looked at the sticker on the door jam and I saw something about a front/rear gawr, but that just gave weights..

waahh, I'm so sorry for asking stupid questions haha

This is a picture of my door jam and I circled where the axle code is.
Sorry about the crappy picture, I took it on my phone so I could remember what mine said when I went to look up the code. It wasn't intended for the internet :D


41 - 3.27 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
45 - 3.55 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
46 - 3.73 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
42 - 4.10 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
D1 - 3.27 limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
D4 - 3.73 limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
D2 - 4.10 limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)

So according to the picture/chart, I have an open 3.73 gear ratio.
Hope that helps.

This is a picture of my door jam and I circled where the axle code is.
Sorry about the crappy picture, I took it on my phone so I could remember what mine said when I went to look up the code. It wasn't intended for the internet :D


41 - 3.27 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
45 - 3.55 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
46 - 3.73 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
42 - 4.10 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
D1 - 3.27 limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
D4 - 3.73 limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
D2 - 4.10 limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)

So according to the picture/chart, I have an open 3.73 gear ratio.
Hope that helps.

ok WOW, thanks haha, thats the sticker I was looking at!


I definitely want MORE power, it doesn't matter the gas mileage either by the way

****EDIT**** I just checked and my axle code is 45

I'd go with the 4.56's. Between the size and the extra weight the extra gear reduction can't hurt.


I'd go with the 4.56's. Between the size and the extra weight the extra gear reduction can't hurt.


where would I go to buy it?

would this be the best choice for power? or fuel economy? or even both?

thanks dan!

If you're looking for more power the 4.56 would be better. Get more low-end power, but rev higher when cruising ( =worse mpg but that doesnt matter). With 4.10s you'd be slower off the line but cruise at a lower rpm. I think I have that the right way, I get those confused sometimes :confused:.

If you're looking for more power the 4.56 would be better. Get more low-end power, but rev higher when cruising ( =worse mpg but that doesnt matter). With 4.10s you'd be slower off the line but cruise at a lower rpm. I think I have that the right way, I get those confused sometimes :confused:.

ok good, just what I wanted to know!

would you possibly know where I can go to buy them? like a website or something?

Then you shouldn't be ordering them. You need someone with experience installing gears to do the job. A lot of shops won't install parts that you buy on your own. Go to a transmission or 4x4 shop and tell them what you want. Expect to pay between $1100-1300 all said and done.

I'm like a deer in headlights haha

This is something that a newbie definitely doesn't want to tackle on his own.
Before you go to a shop, I would seriously suggest that you spend some time with the search function and look up everything you can about changing gear ratios and know enough that you won't get ripped off.
Go to a reputable gear shop, because nothing can be as bad as getting a bad gear change.
Do your homework before, or you will be spending a whole lot more money replacing your axles.

i have the exact same set up omost, 96 4.0 xlt 3" bl TT warrior shackles 33X10.5 A/T...with having the stock 3.73 LS gears, what parts are gonna wear out the fastest?

i have the exact same set up omost, 96 4.0 xlt 3" bl TT warrior shackles 33X10.5 A/T...with having the stock 3.73 LS gears, what parts are gonna wear out the fastest?

Ugh... the tires :scratch:

really the only problem is if you are pushing your truck to the limit with 3.73 and 33's. Like towing it's max rated capacity etc.

The change in tire size acts like you stepped a few gears down so

since you have 3.73 with the stock 30" tire going to a 33" tire is like running with a 3.39 gear ratio.

It also has the same effect on braking power, your brakes must work harder to stop the vehicle because the rotational torque of the wheel has increased by 10% so take the weight of your truck and add 10% and that is what the truck is now effectively trying to stop.

You can do things to increase braking capacity and then lower the gears. but it may not be worth it if your truck spends most of it's time on the road, or you don't tend to carry heavy loads.

I hope that makes sense.

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This is something that a newbie definitely doesn't want to tackle on his own.
Before you go to a shop, I would seriously suggest that you spend some time with the search function and look up everything you can about changing gear ratios and know enough that you won't get ripped off.
Go to a reputable gear shop, because nothing can be as bad as getting a bad gear change.
Do your homework before, or you will be spending a whole lot more money replacing your axles.

oh yeah, I've done A LOT of searching on these forums, I just like learning haha

but I understand, I have a VERY fair mechanic, actually, he's a family friend too lol

so do you think I can be expecting like a 1k or 1.3k price tag?
